Thursday, December 5, 2013

Imagine Rich's post, but not at all. And not at my normal time.

Why I am posting now?

You say it's to detract away from Rich's post and steal his thunder?

You've found me out.
The actual reason I'm posting today is because I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Okay not really, but I'm significantly less tied up than I was seven hours ago.  Also, I'm talking about a freedom from my intense workload, not any bondage of sorts just so we make that clear.  If I was either kidnapped or sold to some sort of slavery hours ago that would have made a much more interesting blog post however... maybe I should go with that...

So what's the point of me posting now and not just waiting another week until Tuesday when I can avoid invading another person's virtual space?  Well because next Tuesday is in the middle of Dead Week which means I'll be in the midst of studying for finals and I probably won't want to post then.  And I want to post now because right now I'm really happy.  And being happy is exactly what I want to talk about in this post.  I feel like I give a negative impression of Berkeley in most of my posts, so I want to share in this post what's going right in my life at this moment in time. 

First, I've finished a majority of my work for the semester.  I just finished presenting a final project that my group and I have been working on for the past month.  This class ( ChemE 185, Technical Communication) should definitely be worth more than 3 units because I've put more work into it than I have in both of my 4 unit technical ChemE classes combined.  Despite being an enormous time sink, it has been one of the most rewarding classes I have taken and I'm glad I did so (who am I kidding, it's a required class).  Needless to say, I'm glad it's over and now I can focus on my other classes.

I've finished the homework that is due tomorrow morning in my class on mass transport, which leaves me with only two assignments left to do before finals.  I feel confident that I'll be able to finish these assignments with ample time remaining before they are due so I am not worried about them.  That leaves me with a large portion of time that can be used to study for my finals.  Not the most exciting prospect for sure, but what must be done must be done.  Or whatever that phrase is.

I'm also happy because normally at this time in the year is when I tell myself that I'll just have to accept I'm not getting an A in one or more of my classes, which is not the case this semester.  I've been working much harder than previous semesters and it's really paying off.  I think I got in the slump of accepting that I was of "average" caliber within Berkeley and that above average on a midterm was a pretty good score. And I'm still of the opinion that above average is a good score, however I've been owning my midterms getting 1 or 2 standard deviations above average consistently.  This means that for all of my classes I'm still in that A final grade range.  So I'll be focusing a lot on studying this week to make sure I do well on finals and perhaps have that desirable 4.0 semester.

So maybe this post is to future me or anyone else in a slump of similar sorts, I'm not sure.  But I know that right now life is going well, and I want to make sure I remember these times when I'm feeling great.  I don't know when I'm going to post next and I don't want to make false promises, so I will be ambiguous and say I'll talk to you soon.  Can't wait to see everyone over Winter Break.



Note: I realize that all of the things I've mentioned in this post are related to my academic life, and although I've stressed before that this semester my academic life has taken center stage, I would like to also say that, outside of academics, life is going good as well.  While typing this I just found a date for my fraternity date party so like I said, everything is just great right now :)

1 comment:

  1. Jason, I wanted us to keep our relationship a secret from the others...

    Just kidding. Glad things are going your way and glad our chate is now only two weeks away!! How quickly time is flying.

    Power through Dead Week and see you on the other side.
