Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So it has come to this...

It is the last week of Short Term. There is a large party being thrown in my house currently. What am I doing? Embroidering my underwear with sassy phrases next to a feverish, sleeping boy who has taken shelter in my room because he wants some sleep but the first floor of Hayes is too noisy. So. I'm doing needlework and have become the caretaker of a sick human. I am a mother. I am what a person might call the life of the party, if said person was being sarcastic. I am actually really, very content.

Monday, May 13, 2013

"To old friends who deserved better than they got."

Well, this week's post title comes from none other than Rothfuss's Wise Man's Fear.  I felt compelled to take a picture of that page when I read it, that's how much I like it.

Poor Derek fits into the category of old friends who deserved better; his Ducks did not move on to the next hockey chapter, whatever that would be called.  I know I've been a vocal complainer of all things hockey on this blog, but I really did want them to win, especially after watching three games with him while I was in Middlebury.  I now know 100x more about hockey than I ever thought I would.  Ask me a question--there's a small chance I'll know the answer.  As Kvothe said about learning Adema, my hockenese has "progressed to the point where I could actually be considered inarticulate, as opposed to just confusing."  Maybe that's not a perfect fit, but I read it today, so it came into my mind.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Climbed a mountain and I turned around.

Hello, hello. I have one class left in 14th grade, and then some finals. Which, if I think about them, get me a little stressed. 'Cause one of them is a 3,000 word schmangarang due on Tuesday. I'm kinda over those sorta things. I'll get through it. Maybe. I'm flying home on the 18th. I really don't want that to happen because I'll miss my friends, especially those who are seniors, so I'll never see them again except when I do. I really do want that to happen, though, because it will mean I'm done with finals. And I'll be able to see you guys at home. Well, those of you that are at home. Rachael is here right now. Here as in Middlebury. Let's talk about that, shall we?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finals Coming Up

Hey guys, this is gonna have to be a short one so I can get back to reading about QTLs and LOD scores.  Interesting stuff!  Last week I couldn't post because it was the day before the massive party that is Renn Fayre (I'll talk about it next week AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I TYPED A HEART AND IT RUINED EVERYTHING WHAT THE HELL. WELL NOW I DON'T FEEL LIKE TYPING OUT ALL THE NICE THINGS I SAID SO I'LL JUST TELL YOU THAT I AM IN SF THE WEEKEND OF JUNE 1 AND I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I live dangerously, I jump off bridges and buy second-hand bathing suits.

Out of all of the changes I've seen in myself over the past two years of college, I think one of my favorite would be my increased appetite for adventure, outings, exploring, and just interactions with the  world as a whole. However, it also means I always have a lot of ground to cover every Wednesday post...

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Silence of Three Parts

It was night again.  Middlebury College lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.  The most obvious part was a hollow, echoing quiet, made by things that were lacking.  

Friday, May 3, 2013

They laid siege to it for seven years.

I just completed by penultimate week of class today, and I realize you guys are even closer to the end than I am. I hope you're surviving. Most of you. After I blogged last Friday, I got in a bus bound for Tufts, which is pretty close to MIT. I thought about texting you, Raku, but it probably wouldn't have been worth it because I was occupied with the track meet all day. So I didn't.