Monday, April 29, 2013

2306 words in my head, 2306 words...

Hello, fellow students and friends.  If you in a position similar to my own, you are tired but proud, after a semester’s worth of hard work.  If you are in a position dissimilar to my own, you probably just thought, “Nope!  Not I!”  And if you are in a position neither similar nor dissimilar to my own, I will be ignoring you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sympathy for the Devil

Earlier this week, the Ducks claimed their second ever Pacific Division title and clinched the second seed in the West. In the next two days, the standings will sort themselves out and the Ducks' first round opponent will be revealed. It's gonna be San Jose, Detroit, Minnesota, or Columbus. If it's San Jose, Jason, you should probably/definitely spend all the money you have in your pocketses and go to a game with Amanda.
On to less important things, like school.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Something's Got Me REAL Bothered

Part I, 11:20 EST: I've been nostalgic and looking over our old posts.  Well, the fancy template land that Jason (I think it was him) put on the blog is making it impossible to determine links from regular text.  Which I'm not down with.  For instance, could you tell that the word "links" was a link?  I didn't think so.

Full blog post later today.  ((Update, Jason fixed it.))

Friday, April 19, 2013

Dumbledore's Man Through and Through

This post will have lots of Harry Potter in it. But let's get the boring stuff outta the way first, shall we?
I finished my Shakespeare paper about four and a half minutes ago. Ms. T's comments about Othello may have inspired me, because I wrote about how the women in Much Ado About Nothing know what's up and the women in Othello are useless sacks of carrot peelings and as such all the women get what's coming to them. Sorta. I dunno. Anyway, I'm gonna re-read that paper later today and send it off and yay me. Jump?

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Spring Break and Cloudy Skies

Hey guys, sorry I forgot to post yesterday. I went to Portland for the day and by the time I realized I had forgotten my post, I was already asleep (I had a dream that you guys got angry at me for not posting. Who knows, maybe it's a premonition more than a nightmare). But here is a quick synopsis of my Spring Break so far.

Monday, April 15, 2013

More Fiction? Fiction it is.

Today was a big day for me, so I will be posting the story that I wrote yesterday rather than digging through my mind for nonfiction.  I wrote it instead of doing homework, because my burgeoning career as an author is clearly more important than everything else.  It is over 1300 words, which was an accomplishment for me, because normally my stories are shorter than two pages.

Read after the jump if you want to read "My Plain Name."  It has bad words, I know this will surprise you.  It's still a little rough, because I wrote it yesterday, but that's that.

Until next week, wayward travelers.

P.S. The spacing is a little weird.  P.P.S. Some of these names I actually like and I used my own justification for.  P.P.P.S. This was my exercise in creating a narrator that readers would not necessarily side with.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Oh who am I kidding Gary, I've got the Suds.

I guess it's Friday again. Not one of my best days. This particular one, I mean. Not Fridays in general. No, this particular day, Friday April 12, 2013, has not been the best day of my life. Neither was yesterday. You see, I'm a little sick right now. [cough] I think by saying "a little" I may be selling myself short. I'm sick enough to not get on the bus tonight that's headed to [cough] West Point to race a bunch of soldiers in the 5k. Which is a shame, because I really like the 5k. It's also a shame because I have only one more race after this, and now that this [cough] one's gone, I will only have raced two 5ks this season.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Oh hey---Nope.

It's finals week, so I therefore do not exist other than on word documents and lurking on Facebook every 15 minutes while I'm writing my paper on what academics think The Enlightenment was.

Spoilers: Everyone has a different opinion and I'm pretty sure they're all wrong.

The site's layout is lookin' good, my loves. I appreciate your hard work, Rachael and Jason.

Keep on being your wonderful selves,


Guten Tag!

So I changed up Rachael's background idea a bit. Lemme know what you think. If you want other logos for your schools, too bad because those are the ones that I deemed fit. If anyone complains we are going back to horseradish or leeks. Just kidding. Maybe.

Also, sorry for not posting this week, I'll be back with a vengeance next week. And pretend you haven't heard that before to humor me. Thanks.



Monday, April 8, 2013

Holi cow.

This picture has nothing to do with the blog, but it is so classy.  Holi on the quad happened yesterday, and I skinned my knees sliding in the mud soon after this photo was taken.  What an old fashioned childhood moment.      L to R: Emma Watson, my little Desi, friend Keya.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I feel like the background design is too much.

It was a great idea, but it's just a lot of stuff and sort of detracts from the actual writing. Thoughts?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering.

Here I am, sitting at my computer in my dorm room in Middlebury, Vermont, and I've got to write all about my time in Southern California over spring break. There must have been at least 38.6 billion moments during the trip that were awesome enough to merit mention here. With any luck, I'll remember half of them. Because I am lucky enough to be friends with the photographically inclined David Russell, I have a huge photo library, courtesy of the big man, at my disposal. These pictures should help with the storytelling.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Not this week, folks. I might be doing an all-nighter tonight and I cannot take an hour away from work for the blog.

My apologies. But as a consolation prize, you can listen to the music I will be playing in the background as I write my paper.

It is up to you to decide if I'm joking.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Breaking up the Monotony

Hi, all.  My contribution to the blog this week is an idea.

A long time ago, I suggested changing our background to our respective school logos.  Well, this evening I spent about an hour doing just that, but I didn't want to make this call unilaterally.  Below is what I had envisioned for the blog's look.  If you guys like it, (it's okay if not) I will probably edit the background color so it's not white, because white makes the title of the website hard to read.  You guys could pick the background color if we want to change it.

It's okay if you prefer the look of the current page, this was just for fun.  Let me know what you think (as if you guys ever hold back).  I even put us in posting order <3

Happy new week--sending good thoughts your way.

Update: I literally just found out that I won the NOAA Hollings scholarship.  $16,000 and a 10 week paid internship with NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the summer after our junior year.  I am really really excited about this.  My mind is a little blown.  Glad I could share this with you guys.