Sunday, December 23, 2012

Peace, at last!

I can't believe I'm already done with 1/8 of my time here at MIT. That's pretty scary to think about. It all passed by so quickly through fun, work, and sleep deprivation that I can't imagine being ready for the real world in three and a half years.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Friday Adventures and Juice

Let's talk about some adventures, man. Scattered throughout are pictures of an adventure Jason and I had.

Friday, December 14, 2012

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.

I've written 38 pages for my four classes' final papers, and I have about four pages to go, which I intend on finishing later today. My Cartography paper was one of my favorite that I've ever written, my Intro Geography written final was pretty average, my Russian written final (of which I've written 8 of 12 pages) is going pretty well, and my Qur'an paper may well be the absolute worst paper I have ever written. I hope I don't get a C in that class, but I can't say I wouldn't deserve it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's Finals Week and...

I'm tired but I refuse to consume caffeine on the off-chance I get to go to bed early.  Also I wrote a song inspired by this post that is meant to be sung to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town":

meow meow meow meow someone has lost it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everybody Loves a Winner

Good morning all, and sorry for encroaching on Jason's day.  Finals week has a way of taking up all my time.  I have spent the last few days either in a test, studying for a test, or taking a break from studying.

Friday, December 7, 2012

It was a mark of the strength of their friendship that Ron did not laugh.

It's 7:05 am as I write this, and I am not terribly happy to say that I just finished my first ever homework-induced all-nighter. Which is kinda bad and all that, but interestingly it wasn't fueled by extreme procrastination. I spent the whole night writing most of a paper that's not due 'til Monday. But I have three other papers due next week, so I guess it sorta makes sense to knock this one out now.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!

"I love lists. They're so much fun. They just give you a bunch of facts in a neat order." -Duncan Williams.
In the spirit of Duncan, and no one else, I will be presenting my blog post as a list.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finals are "Just Around the Corner" (Elementary School Video on Puberty Reference is Intended...I think only my sister gets this)

 As my unnecessarily long title suggests, finals are almost upon me, so I'm going to be a lazy loser and do a "my week by numbers" post again. And maybe next week too, because that day is actually finals. But maybe I'll make a video instead? WHO KNOWS!?! Tune in next week to find out! 

Monday, December 3, 2012