Friday, April 25, 2014

I am 1.

As you could probably guess, it's crunch time.  I assume all of you are probably plagued with the end-of-the-semester what-you're-not-only-taking-my-class insane workload that all of your professors assign. Well I am no exception.  I've been busily working away the past couple weeks and I'm far from done. "Jason, how do you have spare time for a blog?" You may, but probably aren't, asking yourself.  "What exactly is spare time?"  "Is not all time spare time?" "What is time?"  The answer probably exists in some combination of those not so helpful metaphysical follow-up questions.

I probably don't have "spare time" in the typical sense to spare, but I've never been much for following the status quo so here I am, blogging when I should be doing other work.  I find myself often thinking about that.  That "I should be doing other work."  I think I've talked about this before, but I find that reaching a "happy" medium between "work" and "play" is almost impossible.  In some other universe this blog post goes off into asking metaphysical questions about everything I put in quotes, but this is not that universe and so that will not happen. 

This weekend I'm very busy.  Today is Friday and I will be working on my computer science project all day.  The project is to build an interpreter for the Scheme language.  It's a program that interprets a language used to build programs.  Programception basically.  It's supposed to be the most impressive of all the projects so far, so that should be fun.  I really like programming and it's only reassured my resolution that I should have been EECS (electrical engineering and computer science) rather than chemical engineering.  I realized too late, but it doesn't really matter because switching between the two, if I choose to do so later in my career, won't be too difficult.  Oh man, careers, let's talk about that. Actually let me finish my weekend first, that's a more lively subject.

Saturday morning I'll be volunteering at a Taekwondo tournament.  To take the yellow belt test at the end of the semester I have to volunteer at this tournament or a tournament past and because I didn't go to the previous one I have to go to this one.  "Want" is a better choice of words than "have" in this circumstance however because I expect it to be outrageous fun.  Kevin's going as well and we hope that the blackbelt sparring is in the morning because that sounds most interesting.  I'm really sad that next semester I won't be able to continue with Taekwondo due to a time conflict with one of my required classes.  It truly has been a great class, a nice break from the monotony of required major classes.  I'm taking swimming next semester, hopefully it's as fun as Taekwondo.

Saturday afternoon I'll be working on homework as I do every Saturday afternoon.  I'm part of a study group that meets at 1pm every Saturday to work on homework and it is the reason Saturday afternoons are my most productive time of the week.  I am able to focus more easily when others around me are working, especially while working on the same thing.  I don't think I could remain sane if I didn't have a study group to do homework with.  I hope whatever job I get is primarily group work because it's infinitely easier to work for long hours when others around you are doing the same.

Sunday afternoon is the Journey to Nyx prerelease event which I expect all of you are going to!  Okay maybe not any of you.  Well it's going to be a ton of fun and I can't wait, playing magic is at the top of the list for most fun games to play.  Sunday night is back to homework followed by our last week of classes.  This semester has gone by so quickly it's incredible.  I can't believe we'll be graduating next year, scary how fast time flies.  I was going to talk about career stuff but I could speak a lot on that and I don't want to burn myself out on my first time back.  I guess expect that in the next post.  Until next time, stay sophisticated.

- Jason


  1. Wow our lives are the same. I've been hanging out with seniors recently, so working on my shit while they're working on their theses has been my M.O.

    Also, next week is my last week of class. stuff... [ends comment]

    (P.S. Missed you.)

  2. Yay for more people posting. I should post soon. Sorry I haven't. I'm a bad blogger.

    Good luck on finals, Jason and everyone else.
