Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Waiting with Bate(s)d Breath

Hello there, readers. It's been a while, hasn't it? Do you like the pun attempt I made in the title?
No? Yeah, well, it was a bit shoddy. Either way, it accurately describes these past few days of Summer. If you have not yet gleaned from my title and subsequent commentary, I am still home. In California. Waiting to fly to Bates. In Maine. However, it's Wednesday, and Raku made a post, so I thought I would as well, even if I'm not technically in college right now.
Onwards? Onwards.

Summer has been fantastic. Full of adventures, travels, art (both viewed in museums and made in the backyard. Although, I don't know if you could really call my creations "art"), and delightful culinary masterpieces. Anyways, I'll make this a super short post since I'm not back in college.

This was my summer in video form:
and these are the pieces of art I made:

Tomorrow Dad and I are going to a camera store to try and fix this old film camera my sister is lending me for the school year. And then on the 31st I'll be flying off to Maine where my parents and I will be visiting some capes (not the sleeveless garment, but rather the strip of land which projects into a body of water) and then setting up my dorm room. 

That's my small update. Hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods, whomever you are.

- Nicole 


  1. The Spongebob reference, regardless of whether or not it was intentional, made me giggle shamelessly. Actually, it just made me smile. But that should be good enough.

    Have fun traveling (like that's possible).


    Jk, good welcome back post.
