Thursday, March 13, 2014


Hello friends.  I made a dumb new video for you to watch.  Enjoy it, or not.


Qualified from Richard Posert on Vimeo.


  1. When I saw your post I immediately thought, "How does Rich have time for a video when Dark Souls just came out?"

    Guess putting your life on hold to slay monsters will have to wait. Unfortunate that it lines up with your finals though.

  2. Enjoy the sunshine. Too bad there aren't any outside-ready places nearby. If it's any consolation, I'm in the middle of a cyclone right now. Actually, all of New Zealand is in the middle of a cyclone. As in, the circle of bad weather on the weather map is bigger than the country.

  3. I did say that to you!! "Drop off the face of the planet" was the way I put it. Good call, friend.

    Courier New! That's such a cop out. I'm proud.

    Video games wow I don't play those anymore and it makes me sad. I have a thesis revolving around Zelda Ocarina of Time and Skyrim that I will share with you someday.

    Just got back from California with a sunburn and melancholy attitude to return back to the winteriness. Should be warming up soon.
