Friday, June 1, 2012

Last Blog of the Year?!

[Author's Note: I wrote this on time, but didn't upload it on time.  Forgive me.]

I wouldn’t bet my life on it, but I’m pretty sure this is the last blog from the T,MDW crowd for a while (can’t forget the comma!).  So, I thought to myself, “Well, Rach, we can’t half-ass this one,” thereby simultaneously using the royal ‘We’ you all know I (well, We, as I just established) deserve and ‘ass’ as a verb.  You can tell, by that brief glimpse into the inner workings of my mind, that this post will be epic.

For those of you who are familiar with the inner workings of said mind, you will be shocked that I am about to (briefly) recount a dream I had last night.  “Why, she hates dreams!” you may be saying.  Firstly, that’s not true.  I encourage all of you to foster your awake dreams and analyze your sleeping dreams, just not to include me in a long recounting of said sleeping dreams unless they’re particularly epic.  Does that sound mean?  Maybe it is.  I’m content with that.

Anyway.  Last night (Wednesday night, because today is Thursday, because I am smart enough to know that if I leave this to tomorrow it might not be full-assed) I had a dream that I transferred to Bates, and I met up with Nicole, who was hanging out with her friends in a big building/treehouse thing.  Is it weird that I dreamt about Nicole on the day she blogs even though I didn’t read her blog?  I’ll let you analyze that.  I don’t want to spend more than a paragraph on this.  Anyway, there are a lot of weird details that I’ll spare you, but basically I got put into all of these super specific classes and on Wednesdays (randomly) I had lecture from 7:15 AM to 10:10 PM but apparently that was normal.  And Derek and Coach Sumner made appearances.  And there was a death thread involved with the latter, who had died his white hair brown when he became a professor at Bates.  Now I’ve left you wanting more!
Anyway, besides causing me to oversleep and almost miss my first dog walk of the day, I woke up happy that I don’t have lecturing for 15 hours a day, and excited for the new school year.  I can’t wait to be living in the tight-knit Social Justice community with a roommate I actually like.  I’m planning on joining some more clubs, like the Student Worker Alliance, which fights for better working conditions for our house cleaners, adjunct professors, and anyone else who gets paid to take care of us.  I’m also interested in Debate, but Nicole refuses to answer my questions about it on this blog.  Maybe in real life she will be more receptive, or now that I’ve dream-transferred to her school.  And I’ve got the fraternity.  I’m planning on running for Treasurer at the end of the semester, and hopefully it goes well.     

Looking back over the year, as this final blog post requires, I’m content, but prepared to do better next year.  I want to get into the city more, because I have the best college town in the country, and I shouldn’t take that for granted.  I know I just made a controversial statement, but I’m definitely willing to argue it’s the top 5, if not the best.  We can argue about it later, and by ‘we’ I don’t mean the royal ‘we’, because I already know where I stand on the issue.  Somehow I lived in D.C. for an entire year and didn’t visit the White House.  I saw the White House from above, but didn’t expressly go and visit it.  Not that I’m dying to, because I’ve already been inside (yay, pre-9/11 security!), I’m just saying I think that may mean I didn’t get off campus enough, haha.

I want to start considering various internships and study abroad opportunities, try to make the time at school slow down (doesn’t the year go by incredibly fast?), work hard, learn a lot, and make friends.  I want to visit professors at office hours, help the community, join new clubs, have a dorm room that’s cozy and clean, and get a second job.   Are these ambitious goals?  The other day, I was reminded that I went to college wanting to save the world.  I have to hold myself to high standards that will help me move toward that goal.  Last year I did 88 hours of community service, and it felt good getting out into the community and helping people, and getting to know my school mates who are also passionate about service.
I may have started rambling back there, I’m not sure.  It’s been nice seeing Kevin, Jason, and Derek, and I look forward to enjoying our time off together and having adventures like always. Tomorrow (Saturday, June 2nd) is prom, and you can be sure I’ll be posting pictures of it.  Basically, we (Devin and I) are going to be the hottest couple of all time.

My personal assistant thing is going well.  I’m averaging about 100 bucks a week, plus the income from working on a spreadsheet project for my dad’s work, so it’s not as much as if I was working a “real” job, but I’m planning on passing out more fliers and maybe getting a part time gig somewhere.  In case you were wondering :)

Signing off for now with the promise of pictures later!


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