Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I live dangerously, I jump off bridges and buy second-hand bathing suits.

Out of all of the changes I've seen in myself over the past two years of college, I think one of my favorite would be my increased appetite for adventure, outings, exploring, and just interactions with the  world as a whole. However, it also means I always have a lot of ground to cover every Wednesday post...

So ever since I turned 20, I've been writing every day in my "Record Book" that my "friend" "borrowed" from the White House while he was "employed" there (the intentionally excessive and [arguably] unnecessary use of quotation marks is a nod to the website Ms Topping used to have on her class webpage way back when we were her wee little students). The Record Book gets updated every night about how my day was or a particularly compelling (read: persistent) thought that I have been recently mulling over. It's nice. It feels less like a journal because it's such an official hardcover book. I really hope I can keep up my logs throughout my 20s. I might need another book though, since I'm filling this one up too quickly. I guess I should apply for a White House internship. 

Anyways, let's talk about my week, shall we? 

Thursday the 2nd of May was filled with my "Photographing the Landscape" class from 9  to 11am  and then 12 to 4 pm. We took our developed negatives into positives through contact printing in the dark room. Even though I have always been interested in film photography, I never thought I'd be given the opportunity to learn how to produce it myself. Even when I knew I was going to a Liberal Arts College which touted it's ability to give an expansive education to its students, I didn't think I'd have the chance to take a class where I could do such wonderfully fulfilling work. I think I'm going to actively involve myself in the photography club next year if I can make time for it. And oh boy would I want to take another photography class if I had the room for it. Maybe I'll take it pass/fail or audit it or something.

After class, the skipped Zumba to attend a Billy Wylder performance at the Ronj where I was hired spur of the moment to photograph the event, help break down the set, and take the band to dinner. I was paid with promises of a free chai from the Ronj, and was also given a free cd from the lead singer in the band for helping him out with my friend Grace. The performance was entertaining and intimate, and after the show, Grace and I were invited to hang out with the band on one of the small hills next to the Ronj.
Fred is the one on the far right. 

 Grace and the band drank ale from Gritty's (and mayhaps the lead performed brought out a glass "tobacco accessory" in which he smoked out of. Only him, mind you.) while I just did my straight-edge thing like the good little law-abiding citizen I am (later this week, that changed). The band member I conversed most with was named Fred. Turns out he's a Chinese teacher at a private day-school in Boston. Shit is fancy. Well, we really hit it off, chatting a bit in Chinese and just taking about learning the language and how he gets *paid* to take his class every year to China for two weeks. He persuaded me to go to China the next chance I get, so I think I'll be adding it to my list of places to travel to after I graduate (maybe even get a Fulbright to teach there?) if I don't get into graduate school or decide to take a gap year (I'm savin' up!).

After eating dinner with the band, we parted ways and I went to Pat's birthday celebration where I finally met Victoria's identical twin, Kathleen. I was overly enthusiastic when I met her. I think I scared her off but we'll become good friends when I hang out with Victoria a lot over the summer. After popping in on that party, Pernilla, Nick, Mike, Grace, and I went to the 7-11 for the fun of it and Mike made a $2 profit off of a scratchcard he bought. We were all elated. We also played Mario Kart, where I proceeded to lose every round except for the last round where I got 3rd place because Mike never touched his controller. 

Oh, and after referring to my ~~~RECORD BOOK~~~, I realize I forgot to tell you guys that I took a giant roll of paper from the imaging center (they were going to throw it out) and now it's sprawled open on my bedroom floor. It's getting really dirty and nasty, but I'm drawing on it every day for fun. 

On Friday I went on a "Pursuit of Daffodils" with Mike, where we drove to Popham Fort and back, stopping every time we saw daffodils on the side of the road so that I could photograph them for the portfolio I'm creating for my photography class. Here are a couple I like:

I don't even know if I'll be using these particular shots in my final project because I took so many shots for each new landscape, but after a cursory glimpse at my pictures, I decided these would do for the blog at least. So yes, Mike basically gave up his entire Friday afternoon to drive me around as I took photographs. But I returned his favor with fun conversations and wonderful detours that led us to beautiful places:

On Saturday, a good number of debaters and I went to Range Pond, lounging on the beach, reading, talking, playing word games, meeting giant Flemish Rabbits, snacking, and even going into the freezing water. 

 On the 5th, I went bridge jumping with some friends, which was technically against the law because there were signs specifically stating that it was prohibited. But. You know. Gotta get that adrenaline rush somehow. Last year was skydiving, this year is bridge jumping.

 And before you make any commentary on how I didn't post any photos of myself jumping off the bridge, it's only because those who photographed me did not do a very good job at it, so the pictures are not worth showing. But if you really want to see them, they're in the facebook album I posted. This jump wasn't the first I've done before, though. I've jumped off the balboa pier (36 feet) around 4 times. But forcing your body to leave the comfort of concrete into the air and then freezing water is never easy.



 After that, we all went home, I had a nice dinner, was called by the White-House-Record-Book-Thief and had a chat, and then prepared with friends for the beginning of Zombies vs. Humans which is basically the game "Sharks vs. Minnows" but with hella nuance. (For more information please reference the following website:

Spoilers: All of my floormates are zombies and I am constantly on high-alert whenever outside of the safety zones which are basically class, commons, and my dorm room. I have shot and stunned around 4 zombies, some multiple times, and have managed to survive thus far.

 One interesting anecdote: Today I was lounging on the quad with friends when Grace sees Nick suddenly notice me from afar, drop his backpack and start charging towards me.

"ZOMBIE" Grace screams to me.
"SHE'S UNARMED" screamed  Eric Devaux, the zombie I had just stunned who was playing around with my small nerf gun.
"LIKE HELL I AM" I scream as I unzip my backpack to reveal a giant nerf gun (roughcut 2 x 4) stocked with 8 bullets which I stole from Charlie's room the day before (he's a zombie now, he doesn't need it). I then CHARGE at Nick with the giant gun and my sock whip (which can also stun a zombie) until he starts backing up, and then running backwards until he trips and falls on his butt. I then shoot him and beat him lightly with my sock whip for good measure. After that I stood up, raising my gun above my head making my victory noise, which is a combination of Patrick Stars" Leedle leedle leedle Lee!" and Zoidberg's "whoop whup whoop whup whup!". Or perhaps just Spongebobs weird tongue noise. I can't describe it. But it strikes fear into my foes' hearts. I also attacked Emily while she was making a dandelion chain, this girl who was trying to sneak up on me, and Eric Adamson who wanted to make a truce but I attacked him anyways. No regrets. Zombies should not be trusted. I have a lot more zombie stories but I'll leave it at that for now.

On Monday I went to Ashleen's "Clean Room" party which was basically an event she created in order for her to clean her room so that when people came to her party she wouldn't be embarrassed by the state of her dorm. It worked and her room was gorgeous. We had an instagram competition and just chatted about life and did other weird things. Then we all headed over to The Den where I performed with Grace and Nick (separately), singing an accompaniment to their songs. I'll be performing at Ronjstock on Sunday too. Wooo!

After that, I went to Nick's room with Grace and Julia where I watched Grace give Nick a "stick and poke" hand-made tattoo of harry potter glasses and a scar on his knee. It's a really small tattoo, but a pretty crazy decision since it's pretty permanent even if it fades a bit over time. Well, it's his body. And he seems to like it, so it's fine.

On Tuesday I had class, and then went on a night trip to Thorncrag with Nick, Mike and Pernilla. We made a fire in the middle of the woods where there's a stone fireplace, and I heated up cookies on a rock near the fire and we listened to music and chatted. We also heard a really odd cry from the woods that sounded like it came from an odd bird or even a fox cry. I have no idea. But it was an interesting noise that creeped me out a bit.

Today, I just did normal things, got a package from the package center (what else would I get, though) and then spent some chillin' time with Grace, Ashleen, Eric, Jessie, and Julia in the quad (that's where the epic defeat of Nick went down). I then took a walk to the thrift shop around 1.2 miles away with camera in tow, adventured through the store, bought some odd 90s clothing that I wouldn't usually buy, including add odd flower-patterned strapless one-piece bathing suit, which my mom is going to say was a bad move because someone else once wore it so that's sort of gross BUT I DON'T CARE, I'll wash it, and that person was a human just like I am. If I just pretend like I knew the person who wore the bathing suit before me, and it seems less weird. Friends share things like that. No harm, no foul. I also bought some not-too-flattering jean shorts, a blue and white striped shirt, and a jean vest. I was sort of inspired by Monique and Hannah Hart on that last purchase. I dig it. It's making a comeback.

Well that's it for today. I'm going to finish this ted talk ( , write in my record book and then go to sleep because I have class all of tomorrow.

Talk to you later,


1 comment:

  1. RE: Your thrift shop purchase and "my mom is going to say was a bad move because someone else once wore it" Fear not dear one! In order to identify clothes affected by a persons negative energies at a subtle level, you would need to take a few moments to see what you experience from the clothes. Attention can be paid to the changes taking place at the physical, mental and intellectual level. If you still feel clear, connected and balanced after holding it in your hand then all is well. If not, here are some of the signs of negative energy distress:
    One feels nauseous or vomits.
    The hand holding the garment or head become heavy.
    Various unwanted thoughts start coming to mind, or mind and intellect start becoming numb.

    To clear the negative energy from the clothing you purchased: After you wash them hang the clothes to dry outside in the sun for as long as possible. Make sure to take the clothes inside before the sun sets. Love you!
