Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I'm back at Bates College, and I've been taking classes for about...three days now even though it feels like a lifetime. A short lifetime, though. It's important to specify. It feels like the lifetime of a baby that dies after three days. Okay, it seems we're off to a good start, so let's reconvene after the jump.

Life has been extremely busy but in an exceptionally nice way. In fact, I've managed to start squeezing some social interaction into my daily life now that I have time for meals at Commons that last more than five minutes. Also, I have started to force myself out of my dorm room so that I study (instead of in my bed where I admit I sometimes permit a few too many naps) in the library with a couple (or just one. It's quality, not quantity, right?) of friends.

However, despite this amazing utilization of time, I am still quite burdened with homework already. In fact, I am already 90 pages behind in reading because my Professor has given us a 1006 paged book in which we need to read 30 pages a night, on top of the plays he assigns every class. It's fine though, I'm sure I'll catch up eventually...except for the fact that I've just been assigned a lab that deals with a large amount of data in which I must work in excel (which is not my favorite application, to put it nicely). It's fine, it's not like I have three jobs, a extra-curricular activity that takes up 7.5 hours a week of my time on average, and must soon also EXERCISE for two times a week (I do, though. To be clear, I was using sarcasm, a form of satire or irony which many have claimed to be the lowest form of wit. I try to set my standards high. OH! There it is again).

Anyways, I'm also thinking of volunteering at the local library to tutor Somali kids once a week if I can squeeze it in, which I really want to. And I must talk to my professor about working on my Fulbright application. Thank you for reminding me...

I suppose I could clue you in on the glory that was my Winter Break, but I'm a little tired when it comes to that subject since it's the first question everyone asks when we all get back on campus. Instead I'll tell you a few interesting facts about my classes and week so far.

I am in four classes and one P.E. program (It's either going to be Zumba or Yoga depending on what fits correctly into my schedule). My classes, ranked fromwhich I have enjoyed most to least so far, are two English and two Environmental classes:

1. A Poetry Writing Workshop
2. Environmental Ethics
3.Eighteenth Century Literature
4. Scientific Approaches to the Environment

I am quite excited for all of the classes in one regard or another, if not a little perturbed about having to take another lab (all you hard science majors are laughing at me right now, but I don't care. I have preferences, and I stand by them). Everyone in my poetry class writes at least ten times better than I do, but what's a workshop if not for improving?

There was this awkward moment last class (I mean, there was more than one because sometimes I'm a bit socially inept around new people and well as good friends and not-professors) where the Professor asked us to write, as he put it "A 'Beautiful' poem of five lines" but then he added "but write it really horribly" as a joke to make us feel less pressure. I, of course, took it seriously and wrote an extremely cliched and silly poem. I was then asked to read my poem first. Needless to say, I did not feel too great about the situation once I realized what the actual expectation was.

Alas, but there is time to redeem myself even if we only meet once a week (It's great. Three hours straight of just pure creative mindset and flow. I actually wouldn't mind if it was six hours, twice a week, but I don't think I have time for that...) Soon the entire class will critique a poem of mine while I sit gagged in a corner until they are done ripping it apart, as each student must go through. I'm excited for that, though. Constructive conversations that will help me improve my writing will never be a bad thing. I also have to memorize a poem soon. I think I might do William Staffords "Any Morning", the one I posted about a while back, or maybe a Bukowski poem (I just bought a book of his poems and hope to read through some). Oh, there is just so much to do!

Lately I've been a bit mischievous  folks.  A large group of us broke into a friend's dorm room (because of a prank war currently being fought) and covered a large portion of the room in wrapping paper, from giant pillows and shelves to pencils and medicine bottles. Here:

Oh goodness me, I really need to read a bit and then go to sleep. Next week I'll talk a bit more about my classes (but only interesting stuff, I swear) and hopefully I'll have some grand tales to tell about my adventures in friendship. Oh oh! Also, on Monday night after my Authors Guild meeting (which is always wonderful. It inspires me to write and read more poetry, which is always a good thing), Pernilla, Victoria and I had a pajama and tea (Jasmine Green tea, I believe) "party" in Pernilla's room where we chatted about our secrets, lives, secret lives, and possibly us all living in San Francisco over the summer if Pernilla can also get an internship there (and, you know, if her parents will pay for her to live there and such. It's a long shot, but at least I'll have Victoria no matter what).

Okay, sorry for that. But now, truthfully, I am signing off.

Off to learn about the exciting life of Samuel Johnson,



  1. I'm glad you're taking a P.E. I had to look up Zumba because I've only ever heard the word but never known what it means. Should be fun and, if you're anything like me, stress-relieving.

    Samuel Johnson? I read a little about him in my British History class a couple semesters ago. Let me know if you come across anything about James Boswell.

  2. Haha Boswell is the one who wrote the Biography. We'll also soon be reading a biography ABOUT Boswell, centered around the time when Boswell was WRITING the biography we're reading right now. Quite the meta-assignment, I must say.
    Also EXERCISE. I'm excited. I hope I become more flexible again and lose these love handles that partially don't exist but I still believe are a hindrance to my figure because of the ideas the media has instilled in me.

