Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hey There, Squares.

Short Post.

1) Bates is hosting their debate Tournament this week, so that's how my weekend will be filled. 

2) My weekend will also be filled with scrambling to write a lab report, fill out data, and write a paper.

3) I took a test in environmental ethics this week and I think I killed it. In a good way. Death by intellect.

4) Last weekend's exploration into Portland was a lot of fun. I got peanut and tofu noodles and there was a live band and we all had a jolly good time.

5) I also partook in a 20 minute game of nerf-gun wars on the second floor of my house.

6) Quick Story:

So I go to take a late night shower, right?
Nick’s playing the guitar and harmonica when I go to the bathroom to shower. When I go back into the bathroom a second time to brush my teeth, he follows me in with his guitar and harmonica.
“There’s good acoustics in here” he comments.
We then proceed to sing songs (both made up on the spot and songs Nick listens to) in the bathroom for 20 minutes. I then commandeer Nick’s harmonica and am, of course, a prodigy with the instrument. Jamming in the bathroom continues. Then we notice it’s sort of late and part ways.
7) Zumba was cancelled this week, so I've had a bit more free time, which I wasted. Alas.
8) Everything's fine.
9) I've been playing my ukulele more.
10) I dressed sort of punk on Tuesday by accident, and I sort of liked it. I also got to use my new umbrella that has a painting on it. It's this painting:

The end.


  1. You make me smile!

    Have a HAPPY PI DAY my sweet!

  2. You haven't talked about debate as much, is it still good?

    Death by intellect sounds like the way I'd like to go.

    I'm glad the guy followed you into the bathroom the second time, when you were (presumably) clothed. Also, you probably cleaned the harmonica well with your freshly-brushed mouth. A minty fresh prodigy, the best sort.

    That is a good painting, especially for an umbrella. Because it is not from the Renaissance, however, I have no idea who painted it.
