Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This Post is Going to Be a Picture-Themed Post

Want to see what I've been up to?

1. Adventures were had during Spring Break, including a trip to Nezonscot farm, where Mike and I had lunch. The meal was all locally and organically grown and after scrutinizing and tasting the garnishes of the meal I ordered, I can now say that I have eaten pickled fiddlehead.

2. Next, a few of my friends who had stayed on campus during break and I adventured through Lewiston to get dinner and then second dinner and then third dinner.
(Please excuse the formatting, I just can't deal with blogger right now)

3. The next night we made fried cheese raviolis and pasta primavera. It was delightful both in regards to quality of company and meal.

4. And then on Sunday we all decided to go hike on Mount David and then spend a few hours hanging out by a campfire we made.

5. And now it's Short Term, which is that magically time of the year where students take only one class for a month which means now THERE'S SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES. My short term class is called "Photographing the Landscape" which can be used for my ES major AND is the most freaking amazing thing ever. Not only is it only on Tuesdays (for two hours) and Thursdays (for like 6 hours but whatever), it's a really chill class where we learn about different forms of landscape photography which will help inspire us as to what our photography project will be about (you know, because our main focus is photographing the landscape). I've already brainstormed around 15 ideas as to what I want the theme of my photographic piece to be about, and have already started taking pictures regarding one of the ideas (exposed brick around Bates and Lewiston, but I don't think I want it to be that boring and easy). I'm. Just. So. Happy: which is why this post is just stream-of-consciousness blather rather than an eloquent musing on life. I'm just too pumped to sit here and type for too long. You GUYS, this class combines two of my favorite things! Environment and Art! Wooooo! I'm so glad I have a DSLR (thanks, mom and dad!) to have at all times for this class. Oh, and remember those two projects I told you about before? The "photography out of windows" and the "Bates College: No Escape, No Reality" video? Still working on both. The first idea could actually now be used for my class photography portfolio if I wanted to do that theme. I'm still thinking about it. All I know is it's going to be great. These are just some quick, rough shots I took today to see if I liked the idea of taking photos of brick in/out of depth in contrast with the surrounding landscape:



6. Yesterday people were being hooligans and lock picked access to our roof.


7. Today was an "Adventure in Dining" day in Commons so sushi was served. I had some veggie rolls. It was a nice change of pace and I'm always down for japanese food even if mediocre quality. Soon I'm gonna go to Pause tonight to listen to Babs read poetry and drink some free chai.

8. I'm preparing my set list for this year's "Ronjstock". I'm going to rock it this year. I hope.

9. Okay, I'm going to go back to watching "Game of Thrones".

10. Meow.

Your pal,



  1. Isn't short term THE BEST? I pity our poor underprivileged companions in bloggership who are not exposed to its glories. Glad you're having fun with your class. And I approve of the usage of the word "hooligans". And hooray for hiking and campfiring.

  2. Eleanor (Rachael's rommie)April 24, 2013 at 8:42 PM

    I can't help but notice the exposed brick theme in your post and Rich's video. I see an opportunity to weave together the blog and the photo project...
