Monday, September 16, 2013

Well, back to the ol' grind.

One week of classes in the books, and it wasn't too bad. My workload is going to be pretty steep this semester. Take a jump if you care to see what I've got.

Geography 120: Fundamentals of GIS
Geography 219: Historical Geography of North America
Geology 170: The Dynamic Earth
Creative Writing 170: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction

The first three are requirements for my major, and the last one could go toward an English minor. Not sure if I'm going to do that or not, but regardless I think that class will be worthwhile.

GIS is known as a pretty tough course. Lots of work, and supposedly divided into people who get it and people who don't get it. I just spent three hours in the GIS lab today finishing up what I thought would be a brief assignment. The cool part is that it's fun.

I'm also looking forward to Historical Geography. I had the professor last year for History of Cartography — she is also my advisor — and she is amazing. Not sure how I feel about Geology though. We were supposed to go on a hike last week, but then Vermont remembered that it's not allowed to have more than two straight days of decent weather, so I don't know if we're ever going to get to do that hike.

Ah, the weather. I somehow forgot how weird it is, again. It will be 90˚ and humid as hell one day, and 40˚ and windy the next. Tough to get used to.

First real race was on Saturday. It was our one home race of the season, so for once we didn't have a bus ride. Ran okay. I can definitely be better. Pictures exist. Let me find a couple.

Things are going very well overall here. Nothing to complain about. Life as usual, and I am happy. Looking forward to seeing someone besides Rachael and me posting.


  1. I agree. Not sure if anyone else is even reading, since I receive no comments. But what can you do.

    I can't wait to read every single assignment from creative writing, delivered promptly to my inbox. Thank you.

    Agreed that your advisor is super awesome. The internet says that should be "adviser," but we are in agreement that "advisor" is classier, and your advisor deserves class.

  2. I plan on posting this week. Sorry. I have no excuses other than I forgot this blog existed until this past Thursday

  3. LURKING & READING. But so many papers to grade...

  4. I just the other day thought of you, because I ended up using a bunch of stuff created by the City of Portland in GIS.

    I've finally come out on top of my workload--expect a video by me tomorrow eveningish.

  5. Derek,

    I am sorry to inform you that CRWR 0170 doesn't go toward the English minor. See you in class.


  6. Whoah, people still do read this. Huh.
    Yay GIS!
    It doesn't count toward the minor? Damn. Oh well. I guess I don't need the minor. More things to work out . . .
