Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Long time, no "force you to read incessant chatter about my life and experiences", pals!

So finals went as to be expected: well in every class except for the class I had to do a group project with probably the worst combination of people Satan could have devised. But that's done with, so no use dwelling on the past. Nothing in my close vicinity needs steaming, so I'll leave it at that.

Break has been exceptionally peaceful and enjoyable, although I have only seen Rich and Jason out of our blogging crew (and even they had to wrench me from the confines of my solitude). I had a lot of fun with them (and Nelson, and some other HS acquaintances I hadn't seen in a while) and then after about an hour went off to see a movie ("Her") alone, a new activity I've been enjoying (watching movies I want to be 100% emotionally invested in, and therefore watching them alone so I don't get distracted by my attractive friends and family sitting beside me). The movie was superb in both story and style and color and everything. Anyways...

Christmas was lovely and low-key. No presents under the tree, like usual, because I'd rather spend time shopping for a few articles of clothing with my mom than getting a floor length orange knit skirt (I tried to think up some article of clothing I wouldn't like, but that sounds sort of cool) as a present and then have to nicely ask for my mom to return it. So for Christmas mom and I went out and bough my a pair of high waisted jeans, a skirt (with a pair of tights) and a shirt with Jupiter on it. I dunno, I really dig them and I thought you should know. On Christmas day we had our usual breakfast feast of cheesy scrambled eggs and cinnamon buns, went to see "American Hustle", and then had a dinner reminiscent of Thanksgiving. Then at 8:30 I was off to LAX to pick up an old college friend, spent the night in LA "partying it up" (chillin and eating and watching things and playing music and being rad)  in their small apartment until 10 am the next day when I drove said college friend BACK to LAX where they promptly got on a plane to India. Because why not?

I've been reading, sketching, painting, editing my photography for a project I'm doing, and also spent the last three nights staying up late to create a video compilation of most of the footage I shot in 2013.
So that has been my break (and my year, if you click on the link and watch the video), and I hope you all are enjoying yours as well. I know that Rachael has been doing the camping thing and is working on her novel (which WHAT!? ThAt'S sO CoOl!), and Derek, I have no idea where you are...

So yes, Happy Christmas and New Year and life. Happy Life, you guys.

- Nicole


  1. I'm blown away by your video, that was absolutely amazing. Very well done.

  2. Eeeee thank you so much! I'm sorry I didn't have any footage of you in there, but I don't think people would have been able to handle the beauty of your face even if I did have footage. <3

  3. Hahaha I wish the novel was that cool.

    Nice post, nice face, nice seeing you last night. Keep it real in the new year, my girl.
