Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Currently Living the Zero Degrees (Fahrenheit? Kelvin? Who Knows!?) Life Here

Hey kids,

It's the first Wednesday since classes have started and I am oddly tired despite the average workload. I blame it on all of my classes being between 8 am and 10:50 in the morning and then a night class from 7:30 to 10:30 pm, but who are we kidding the real culprit here is the new Sherlock episodes and American Horror Story.

For classes, I am taking

 "Poetry and Place," another Farnsworth class that gives me meaning and continues to dangle in front of me the idea of getting an MFA in poetry after I graduate Bates. It's at night, is filled with people I like and assignments that inspire me (basically "read poetry, talk about it, then write about it"), and the professor brings snacks. What more can you ask for?

"Catastrophe and Hope" by kind, quiet, and deep Costlow (Also known as "Cats and Hope" by the few, the proud, the elite, the obsessed with felines) is a class which focuses around how people feel after living through a disaster, how humans as individuals and communities move from the "loss of sense" to making sense of what happened, ethics of relief, religious and psychological meaning, how disasters get represented in the media, etc. It should be good. Interesting readings, nice professor, wonderful classmates, the whole shebang.

"Milton's Paradise Lost", taught by the quick-witted and droll professor, Steve Dillon . The subject matter of the book and its relationship to the other readings we'll be doing (The Aeneid, some Pope, etc.) seems intriguing, though sometimes I find it hard to focus on pre-1800 literature for long periods of time. Hopefully the fact that my class is filled with interesting people that I like will keep me invested in my readings.

"Fiction in the US", taught by the bright eyed and clever Eden Osucha. She seems to know what's up, and the readings we've been given so far have captured my interest and kept me excited for the next assignment. It is an 8 am, so I'm a bit bleary eyed in the beginning of class, but hopefully I can get my sleep cycle set in a way that I can be all pepped-out for this class. We have to read "Bartleby the Scrivener" by next class, but, needless to say, I would prefer not to.

Although many of my friends have left me stranded in the Maine cold while adventuring off to study abroad, I have actually been bestowed with an odd rag-tag bunch of good friends who will get me through the semester. This includes
Jack, soft spoken yet unbelievably hilarious. Tends to waffle with his words.
(my first friend at college, was abroad),
Owen, Jack's friend more than mine, but a good addition to any get-together. Grumpy Chicagoan (friend, was abroad)
Erika, the loose canon with an amazing sense of outlandish style. Prospective best friend.
(new friend this year, no abroad)
Jordan, the outspoken feminist and eco-activist and a man of many posters. Likes to rant.
(good friend, was abroad)
Mike, pun-maker and investor in many books. Very caring. Smiles a lot. Great company.
(Very close friend, no abroad)
Grace, roommate, folk punk babe, has had hair of every color, great poet, ukulele player, senior.
(good friend, no abroad)
Catherine, housemate with A+ talent in every type and area of music, loves nail polish and bar tending
(friend, senior, should be closer to her because she's great, no abroad)
Shana Wallace, beautiful inside and out with a deep love of space, the environment, and people.
(friend, was abroad, I better get closer with her)

And then there's Max the girl and Max the boy, both of whom are cool and I want to be better friends with, Eliza, the female embodiment of my professor Steve Dillon who an A+ human I better get to know well now that she's back from abroad, Julia who on paper is the same person as me but somehow we've never spent much time together, and other folks who I am sure I will get closer with as the semester goes on.

So yes, today was a day of summary and re-cap. Sorry if I bored you with my lists and descriptions.
I have to go do my journal entry of the day, and my daily instrospective postcard to a stranger, as is a part of my new years resolution.

Continue to be flawless (I woke up like dis),


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