Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hey gang,

These past two weeks have been pretty normal. Nothing of extreme note has happened. I've been chillin in the Maine winter, being a student, having friends, eating food, respecting my roommates, videotaping them smashing a guitar in our home,  whatever.

I don't know, dudes. My life is pretty boring in the sense that I'm just a regular old student with less drama than the average bear (which is saying something, as I don't believe average bears have drama) who enjoys time both alone and with people and does her work. Well. For the most part.

I mean, yesterday I was a total adult. I went to class, spoke up and then went to work. From there I borrowed my friend's car and went to pick up Colin from the airport (SURPRISE! LAST SECOND VISIT!) because he was in Ottawa and then was like "You know what's sort of close to Ottawa? Maine. You know what college is in Maine? Bates College." So Colin's back at Bates until either tomorrow or Friday, and we've been chillin. And by chillin I mean shirking responsibilities and putting off a paper until the last second.

But yeah, I was a total adult yesterday, juggling people and school and work and driving and everything. But now I am not being very productive. BUT IT'S FINE. The work that I'm putting off is just a 5 page paper due Friday at 4:00, and I know what I'm going to write about. Also I have some readings to do (some poems and Paradise Lost), but nothing that's going to kill me if I leave it until later (unless the books try to murder me via paper cuts due to my negligence). I mean, might as well enjoy Colin's company rather than ignore him and do work, right? I have time to do work when he's gone, and I won't see him again until August (if we meet up in Europe. If I go to Europe. Which I am definitely planning on doing. Just gotta get a fellowship or work my butt off to have money to travel).

Aren't you just loving this stream of consciousness crap that I'm doling out to you?

February break is coming up and I have no idea what I'm doing. I really don't want to just be at Bates, but doing other things cost money and, as stated previously, I need to save up for Europe.



BRB, gotta to to this PAUSE performance thing.

Okay, I'm back. It was lovely.
But I'm feeling really anxious all of a sudden so I need to lie down and listen to a podcast or something. I'll be fine. But this is my post. The end.

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