Saturday, February 8, 2014

If take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been.

I flew from Vermont to California last Sunday. I've eaten four burritos since then. Anyway, I'm getting on another plane tomorrow (Sunday the 9th). This one goes from LAX to Auckland, New Zealand. I set up a different blog for my semester over there. I did that because so many people want to see pictures of NZ, and I wasn't gonna send all of those people this blog. So I'll still write things here on TeMyDeWa, but probably not quite weekly. I'll probably put more words down on this one, and more pictures on the other one. Here's the other one:
Not much is up there right now. That will change soon-ish.


  1. So very excited for you. My carefully-selected Mom comment: Take lots of pictures. My carefully-selected Mom comment: Live it up, kick NZ's ass, take risks. Please no more broken bones, though. It ruins my extreme vacation plans.

  2. ^^^Seconded. Wow. Have a great time!
