Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25th, The Perfect Date

You know what's wonderful? Not living in Russia. You know what is even more wonderful? Not living in Russia in the 16th century. And those facts, my friends, are what I've learned so far from my "Russian and Soviet Films" class. Also, I now know an inordinate amount about Ivan the Terrible and his life. So that's...useless, I guess. Onwards? Onwards! (Screw you, Derek.)
So last Wednesday night was still Spring Break for me, in which I spent the day sleeping, eating, and then going over to Taylor's house to watch "Midnight in Paris" with her and Gunnar. Taylor and I had just come from 280 (a building) and bought a copious amount of chips from the vending machine. We then ransacked her community's fridge and ate some mozzarella sticks (the fact that they were stolen made them taste 27% better). I then went to sleep. It was probably in Taylor's room because I was lazy and did not want to walk the 1000 feet back to my own dorm. 

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday (until the night time), I occupied my time in a way that is not interesting to describe at all. It's not interesting to describe because it was not even interesting to live out. So let me skip ahead to Saturday night. Thank you for such an allowance, kind readers.

So on Saturday night, Ben, Barbara, India (Barbara's friend from her home) and I went to go see a community production of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee", which I had seen thrice before. We got the the Theater, waited in line, and then finally got to the kiosk where we asked for four tickets. We were then told that they would be 18 dollars each. I was flabbergasted, to say the least. But we payed our dues because we were already there, and sat down to enjoy the play. Which no body did. I mean, I was entertained by it, because, contrary to idiomatic belief, familiarity does not breed contempt. I find that I take great delight in re-watching musicals or films, as well as re-reading books that I particularly enjoy. But anyways, my three other companions actually found the show offensive and not particularly funny at all. At first I was a bit offended and defensive, because no one likes when their friends insult something you love. But then after some deep contemplation, I realized that if I analyzed the musical with a more detached and rational scrutiny, I could understand how the musical could not be funny at all. It is fraught with offensive stereotypes, offensive lines and the characters are quite one-dimensional. So after the musical, the crew and I decided that instead of just going home, we would order an abundance of Dominos products, sneak into the academic building called "Pettigrew", and watch "Get Him to the Greek" , during which Ben fell asleep, and then sleep-crawled across the room, opened the door and sprawled in the cold, dark hallway until I woke him up and escorted him back into the room we we had camped out in for the night. Then everyone (covered in blankets and sleeping bags) went to sleep, except for me. Because I never went to sleep. Which is an awesome trend that continued to some extent until last night. 

On Sunday nothing of interest occurred. Food and drink were probably consumed. That seems like something that would transpire. 

On Monday, I had my first class of Short Term. The Russian Film one. Our first assignment was to watch "Ivan the Terrible", part one and two. It was 3 hours and 7 minutes long. Glorious. So I did that. And then it was time for bed.

On Tuesday, I went to my Russian and Soviet Film class once again. And then I tried to make a video blog for today's post, but failed amazingly. So maybe I'll just postpone that until next week. I also wrote a song that at first I thought was really good, and then I thought was horrible, and then finally realized it was mediocre. In fact, that is exactly what I will do. So then it was dinner time, so I ate dinner. And then I skyped my friend Nelson for about an hour and a half. This wouldn't be of much interest, except Nelson was in a 3 hour seminar on Business Statistics. So the video for him was on mute. I thus decided to dress up in odd assortments of clothing, including a Harry Potter wardrobe (complete with wand) and tried my best to make him crack up in his class filled with 200 students (hahaha...UC schools, you're funny). I succeeded in my attempts to make him both enjoy and disrupt his class. Finally, it was around11:30, and since I had not been able to get to sleep lately, I decided to try to fall asleep earlier than usual. I SUCCEEDED ONCE MORE IN MY ATTEMPTS, and had one of the most blissful nights in quite a while. Sleep no longer evades me. 

On Wednesday (that's today!) I went to my Film Class again, watched the movie "Tsar", which was more violent and graphic than I needed it to be, and now I am currently in the library on my laptop with some friends. However, my battery is almost dead, so I am now done with my post.

The end.


  1. What's perfect about April 25th?


  3. I love Miss Congeniality. Good call. (Although there is no way I would've identified the quote without your tumblr link.)

    Midnight in Paris keeps showing up randomly in my life. I need to watch it soon.

    Sounds like a pretty fun week. "Spelling Bee" is a good play, but I get the criticisms. Nothing's perfect. I hope you had a good birthday, by the way.

    Also, I think I may go out for debate next year. You make it seem like a big adventure.

  4. I love this kind of idea. Stay in love. God bless you.
