Friday, April 20, 2012

Last Friday Night

Okay, so I am starting this blog at 11:53 PM EST, aka this will be a short post.  Just got back from my fraternity’s spring semi-formal.  It was fun, and I’m glad I went, though the college drinking bull reared his head.  Like he generally does.  I’m just not usually there to witness it.  However, all in all it was a fun Friday night with dancing and hanging out.  When I returned to my dorm, I bought a dozen Krispy Kremes for $8 (which the girls’ rugby team was selling), which I think was definitely a fair trade.

I am still catching up on this week’s blog posts, so I haven’t yet watched Jason’s vlog, but I’m glad I started at least a mini tradition.  Good work, Jason.  My dad said he liked your vlog, if that’s worth anything.

However, what I am caught up on is Name of the Wind.  I will say this: it is addictive, interesting, and yes, the writing is pretty good.  But so far Middlesex is definitely better (that was my “an example of a book better than NoTW” but Nicole disagreed, or I think so anyway).  And his dialog leaves something to be desired.  Call me crazy, but some of the exchanges between Bast and Kote-turned-Kvothe could’ve been more compelling/to-the-point.  However, I understand that this book, with its 92 chapters and 662 pages, may require some boring-ish backstory to set up for an epic middle/end.  So I’ll give you that.  Compared to Atlas Shrugged, another ridiculously long book, it is riveting, I’ll say that.  For all that I like Atlas Shrugged and all.

So finals are approaching for me, as I bet they are approaching for y’all.  One of my teachers had an error her gradebook, making the midterm worth a total of 0 points rather than 100, and in the process making my grade a 40.5% rather than a 92.6%.  At least I caught the error before having a “I’m-failing-school-and-wasting-my-well-my-parents’-money” breakdown.  Because 40.5% is pretty low.  This week I also had a Spanish oral presentation/examination that went bien.  (See, I know Spanish!)

So your failure-of-an-Econ-student friend (lots of hyphens tonight) Rachael is applying to be a Supplemental Instructor in Microeconomics next semester.  Aka I don’t totally suck at this.  My ex teacher just sucks at it.  Speaking of which, Devin brought NoTW to class the other day and Hiles says he has read it.  Devin said Hiles’s review of it is: “It’s a good book, but it always seems like something’s going to happen and then it doesn’t.”  However, this feeling didn’t bother him enough to keep him from reading both the first and second of the Kingkiller Chronicles or whatever they’re called.

Also, I apologize in advance if you know and love anyone who graduated or is attending this university, but I can’t pass this up while we’re on the topic of bad teaching.  If you asked someone who had taken a good deal of teachers at CdM, “who were some low quality instructors, putting all your personal good feelings toward these people aside?”, at least two of the teachers you would likely mention are Ms. Kalsi-turned-Sahi and Mr. Hiles.  If you didn’t mention those two you’d be lying.  Well, both of these fine people but less-than-fine instructors were educated at the fine Pepperdine University.  Or perhaps, as this correlation suggests, the less-than-fine Pepperdine.  Which rhymes.  If that’s not enough evidence, take my word for it that another good-turned-subpar “educator” at CdM was “educated” there, but considering the publicity of this blog, I don’t feel inclined to name them.  Just trust your good friend Rachael.  She would never mislead you.  Remember that time with the white van?  No one died there, did they?

Look friends, as much as I think you all are awesome, it’s bed time for this girl.  Tomorrow morning I am helping out on a semi-urban farm and hopefully I’ll get an awesome picture from that to add to the collection of EpicBlogPicsfromTMDW™.  No one has ever abbreviated it like TMDW, have they!?  Innovation right here.  Wild stuff.

Also, I would like to formally welcome to the blog my future roommate and current friend, Eleanor.  She is from Massachusetts, but if you asked me and everyone who knows her, definitely defies any “Masshole” stereotypes we have acknowleged.  I think that’s kind of a “Bostonbottomhole” (get it?  Like asshole.) sort of thing, let’s not bring the whole state into it.  I mean, they were the first state in these United Fifty to legalize gay marriage, and they have a cool health system and all.  Everything’s all good guys.  Sorry, Derek, that you are dealing with the Masshole types.  Hopefully someday you meet someone as cool as my roomfriendmate Eleanor.

Good night, all, and have a happy weekend.


P.S. Nicole, have you heard this song?  CAUTION: NOT NICOLE PEOPLE, FEEL FREE TO WATCH THIS SONG BUT IT IS TOTALLY WORTHLESS AND DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU.  Nicole, you probably have heard this and I found a joke online about it and I have pasted the joke below.  It's about Rose from Titanic at the end when she's on the door, and since you are part of my brother and I's joke sphere, you get it.  "get off the door", that whole bit.  Sorry everyone who's not Nicole.  We'll explain it someday.

Rose: Hey I just met you
Rose: And this is crazy
Rose: But there's room for us both here
Rose: So just stay on the door with me
Rose: Maybe


  1. Perhaps my brief discussion of Massholes was misleading. Some of my best friends are from that state. Maybe I was talking about them in the context of hockey, in which case antagonism isn't something to be frowned upon.

    I remember talking to Mr. Hiles about NotW. Also, I like Mr. Hiles. I think you guys know that, but I just want my opinion to be clear should he ever stumble upon this blog, which is probably very unlikely.

    I'm sure at least two people from each of our colleges, and indeed from every college in the world, in every graduating class since the dawn of graduating classes, are not going to be great at what they do. I wouldn't hold it against Pepperdine.

    The writing is "pretty good"? Hmmm. You have an interesting definition of pretty good writing.

    Well, since the only thing I've done thus far in this comment is disagree with you, I guess I should balance it out with something nice.
    So here it goes.
    Say this, that she was dark haired. There. It was long and straight. She was dark of eye and fair complected. There. Her face was oval, her jaw strong and delicate. Say that she was poised and graceful... Finally, say that she was beautiful. That is all that can be well said. That she was beautiful, through to her bones, despite any flaw or fault. She was beautiful, to Kvothe at least. At least? To Kvothe she was most beautiful.

  2. I thought I'd acknowledge that formal introduction and use that opening to say hi! Thanks for calling me a roomfriendmate. Maybe someday we should share with the world our shared dreams of transversing the Oregon trail in a covered wagon. Also, maybe, in the Australian tradition, we should just start calling each other mates. To cut down on the amount of words we need to describe each other as. Just a thought.

    Derek, I also appreciate your comment defending the good people in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (Did you know that Massachusetts, even in its incredible length and awkward spelling, is only a nickname for the real name of our state? See, Rachael, I have fun facts too!) And you're probably right about people in hockey being Massholes. It also pertains to driving. In Boston, if you don't drive like you own the road (and the police) you will die. Or simply not get ANYWHERE. And for that, I am guilty as charged.

    Have fun at your semi-urban farm, Rachael. I bet that will look good on your Polyface farm internship application.

  3. Sorry for the late read, but a good post.

    Also, ^^^ hope you don't get dysentery mate.

  4. I liked Hiles as a person. He was adorable. As a teacher...he...was...he was good at...making me......
