Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dangerous Tea Parties and Crosswords

Picture this: a young girl of 18 lounging in bed with a blue robe on. It is the afternoon and she has only gone outside to go to a class that did not, in fact, occur. She therefore got a bagel, a coffee, and headed back to the bed in which she spends a great deal of time in (Is it her own? Possibly). She then spends way too much time working on a crossword that, after about 45 minutes, she finally gives up on. To her merit, she finished most of it. And the clues were stupid ("It's the clue that is stupid, Nicole? Really?"). She thus  pulled herself away from the crossword which was enabling her ability to procrastinate and decided to do some actual work. And by do some actual work, she means write a blog post. It will be hastily written because the amount of work she still needs to do is slowly dawning on her. 
On Thursday I woke up at ten, which is a bit later than I usually sleep in until. I've been staying up late recently and haven't even been more productive. I really need to hunker down and get my stuff in order. It's just a bit difficult because I'm in that "it's-not-due-tomorrow-so-it-doesn't-need-to-be-done" mood. Somebody talk me out of it please. Thanks. 

So anyways, I got up at ten and then ate breakfast with my friend Pernilla, who lives on my floor. She will be living in the "Art House" next year and says that there will be topless tea parties. So you know which house I'LL be frequenting next year (Answer: my own. I can be topless anywhere, so why would I go to another house and endanger myself with scalding tea?). After my short breakfast, I went to my Chinese class and had a merry old time learning the language. At the end of the class, I made a joke to my classmate Jake that involved the fact that we are not friends with each other on Facebook (Rest assured the delivery and content of the joke was far superior than my summary). I then had lunch with Matt, Jack, Owen, Taylor, Ashleen, Nick and Sam. This was a bit weird because two of my friend groups thus coagulated into one for forty five minutes. It was a beautiful sight to see.
I had my environmental class, went home, did some work, and played my ukulele (I've been playing this dandy instrument a lot more often lately. It helps calm me down and clear my head). Then it was debate time, where the group voted on board member positions for next year. I did not run for anything because nothing was of particular interest to me, but a lot of my friends got the positions they wanted, so that's dandy. Then I had dinner, hung out with Matt and Taylor, went home and played more ukulele (you'd think that by practicing ukulele every day I'd be good at it. You would be incorrect with such an assumption). Then Jake, (the classmate and not friend) Facebook friended me. I thus messaged him with some witty statement about friendship or whatever (I make a lot of jokes. I cannot remember them all! GET OFF MY BACK, BRO!) and then I accidentally found myself talking to him for three hours straight. Oops. 

On Friday I woke up at ten (again) to a text from Taylor asking me to go to her dorm room, get a letter on her desk and then submit it into her teacher's cubby in room 201. Taylor was in Chicago, so she needed my help. Therefore, I accepted the mission. However, room 201 was not, in fact, the room in which I was supposed to submit the letter to, as I found out. It was a janitor's closet. So, using my powers of reasoning and deduction (i.e. I looked at the board that listed all the rooms and their numbers) I figured out that the room that she actually wanted me to submit the paper into was room 210. Mission Accomplished. I then had breakfast alone until Jack sat down with me and talking about how depressing the news was as well as what we had due in Chinese. In Chinese class it was commented that I seemed extra cheerful and lively that day. Which I think means I was fidgeting too much. Aaaanyways, after Chinese I had lunch with a group of Rand 3rd floor kids and then went back to my room and napped. I met Victoria's (my Rand friend) mom and then while sitting down with them and talking my mom called (coincidence? I THINK SO!) to tell me that a package had arrived for me. However, I only had about 7 minutes to get the package slip and claim the package before the package center closed. I ran (read: walked briskly) like the wind (read: like a 7th grader who wanted to get to their World History class on time) and got my package at exactly 4:00 (closing time). The box I received was filled with shampoo, conditioner, and SNACKS. Om nom nom, they are almost all gone now. Anyways, I spent the next hour and a half doing work and playing my uke until it was dinner time. After dinner I watched some television, took a shower, talked with Jake for way too long again, and then went to bed.

On Saturday, I woke up, ate food, went back to my dorm, got back into my pajamas (Yes, Mom and Dad, I haven't changed a bit), did homework (I swear) and put a new tune to the lyrics of a song I wrote for my ukulele. It is a better song now. However, none of you will ever hear it. Yay, secrecy! I then had dinner with my "Jack and co." group and then went back home to do more work. Then I went over to a friend's house and chatted until actual morning light (5 am). I am ashamed that I did that. I will not do it again. Sleep is far more important than people are. Am I right? (Actually, I don't think I am. Which is a new feeling. Ew, is this what being wrong is like? Derek? Is it?). Anyways, on Sunday I woke up around 11:30, watched some soccer (football, I guess. Because it's all FOREIGN and shit), went to brunch, talked to John Goodman and Ashleen, and then walked around Lewiston with Ashleen for a couple hours talking photos, videos and generally just trying to inspire poetic ideas about nature for our "Environment and Culture" final project. I then went home, got ready for the Debate Banquet (which happens every year) in which people are praised and given awards and money if they're awesome people (Surprise! I won nothing!). Then I went home to change, and then went to the "Religious Studies" lounge and studied with debaters until around 1:30. Then it was BED TIME.

On Monday I woke up around ten (Well, this seems to be my normal wake up time now), got a quick breakfast, went to Chinese and then had lunch first with my Randers and then with "Jack and Co". I then went home, did work, played my ukulele (still can't read TABS), napped, changed clothing, went to debate (where we voted on more positions), and then went to dinner where Taylor, Colin and I did crosswords (it's a thing now). After that, we went to another lounge to study, but then took a break and went to Milt's with Taylor, Colin and Jill. We talked about the Welsh football player Gareth Bale, ate food (I got triscuits), made jokes, did more crosswords, and generally had a good time. Estimated time of sleep: 1:30.

Tuesday I woke up at ten (Argh, this is what happens when you go to sleep so late!), went to Chinese, ate lunch, went to class, came back, wrote poetry for my Enviro project, played my ukulele, listened to a podcast on diamonds (but sort of fell asleep) and then was woken up (ish. I was in that hazy sort-of-sleeping-zone) by a call from Taylor. I then met her at Commons where we talked about life, love, the pursuit of happiness, and planned our trip to New York City during Spring Break. We spent way too long in Commons. Then I went home, showered, studied, and then went to sleep.

And now here I am. However, I am now only half-clad in a robe because it got hot. I hope you enjoyed my post, because I didn't. 

Your friend (or enemy depending on if you decided my post wasted too much of your time or not),



  1. When did you start drinking coffee? Did I just not know that?

    Poor Jake.

    Anyone else catch the irony of "Yes, Mom and Dad, I haven't changed a bit", quickly followed by "I swear", culminating in "FOREIGN and shit"?

  2. Because you are about to turn 19, I would say you are an old girl of 18. And I agree with Derek, I didn't know you had fallen into the caffeine trap. You and Jason. Maybe Derek too, I don't know.

    Topless tea parties?! How intriguing. I wouldn't trust myself with a hot beverage and that many half-naked people, though. Someone would get scalded.

    You used dandy twice in one paragraph and pulled it off, which I'm impressed with. No sarcasm in that, either. That makes it sound more sarcastic but I'm serious. While I'm complimenting you, I also liked your parenthetical coincidence joke.

  3. As we are all aware due to the required summer reading from our 10th grade world history class, caffeine, specifically in the form of coffee, was a symbol for the progression of intellectual thought not too long ago. So, I'm sorry that Nicole and I are just more intellectual than you guys :P

  4. Right, "more intellectual" in the minds of people who thought bathing more than once a year was a bad idea. Congrats (:
