Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don't Hate Me Because I Forgot to Post on Wednesday, Love Me Because I Remembered On Thursday

That being said, I'm actually quite busy with two tests coming up and a 8-10 page paper I have yet to have time to start. However, I will do my patented list of thoughts for you to enjoy. So...enjoy?

1. I have a lot of weird quirks and tendencies when it comes to how I respond to receiving scores and grades. It started in high school, though it was not often done due to the structure of our programs like "School Loop" and having to make sure teachers didn't mes up score input. However, these quirks (which I will get to) are magnified due to the way my Professors and Administration function (i.e. they won't give extra-credit, won't do re-takes, won't re-look at a test/paper; basically the grade you get is the grade you'll keep, no brown-nosing for extra points like in high school). The quirk I'm mostly talking about is that when I receive tests and papers back I instantly hide it in my notebook to gather dust until I can muster up the courage to glance at my grade. I even do this with final grades, (as in the grade of the class for the entire semester). In fact, I have yet to check my grades for this past semester. I dunno, man, I'm just not game on checking them. Hopefully the professors calculated every score correctly. Tra-la!

2. On that note, I have recently been checking up on my test and paper scores a few days after I've been receiving them. For example, a test for my "Scientific Approaches to Environmental Issues" which I thought I had failed was hiding in my notebook for around a week until I finally decided to tear off the band-aid quickly and take a peek at the score. Turns out I got an A, which is very satisfying to know.

 However, I have yet to pick up any of my graded labs for that course (which is stupid, because I should read the comments to see how I can improve. But I've just been going directly to the professor who grades my labs before I turn them in and asking her questions. That should rectify the stupidity of me not being able to stomach receiving possibly bad news). I also need to pick up my mid-term for my 18th century class, but mehhhh I know my in-class short answers and essays were sloppy for that class (mostly because the questions were sloppy, if I'm being honest. Damn pseudo intellectual professors).

The other paper I finally looked at was for my "Environmental Ethics" class, which I was a bit afraid about because while I was writing the paper my debate friend Jack (not the Pizza/Sundae Social friend) said that apparently it was very very difficult to get even an A- on a paper. So apparently he's a tough grader. This made me quite nervous while writing the paper, and so I forced Jack (who graciously obliged) to edit my paper after I wrote it. Then I decided upon which changes Jack suggested,and sent in the paper to my professor over email (I was originally going to turn it in during class, but at the very last second I thought against it because I wanted to edit it one more time and send it in the next day since it wasn't due until Friday). Anyways, the whole point of this story is that yesterday night I finally had the courage to flip the paper open and see the comments Professor Tracy made and the grade he deemed my paper was worthy. It was an A. AN A! "Very good discussion-- clear, perceptive and well-argued" he wrote. I showed Jack and he was very impressed. Probably the cherry on top of the whole thing was that today while walking to lunch Professor Tracy walked past me and said "Hello, how are you? That was a good paper you wrote!" and I was so surprised that he remembered I squeaked a "Oh! Thank you!" and then I immediately texted Jack who was like "YEAH I GET IT JESUS". So naturally, I came here to also brag about my A which I realize isn't that big of a deal, but for some reason it has made me unreasonably happy.

3. So I took some footage of my roadtrip to and from Middlebury as well as some footage at Middlebury (though not nearly enough because I feel embarrassed bringing out my camera and filming friends and acquaintances...and people don't usually like being filmed so there's that too), but instead of just using that footage now to make a video now, I'm going to possibly mesh it with my past roadtripping videos or just add new footage from my upcoming adventures to make another "year of College/Summer/Roadtrips" in the distant future. I'm already excited about it. I can't forget about doing that silly French "Henri the Existential Cat" knock-off film about Bates. Oh man, I have so many projects and too much school-work to do as well! What am I doing with my life?!?! (Answer: enjoying it by living it in a fulfilling manner).

4. I went snowshoeing again for my Environmental Studies Lab, but this time it was in a Bog. It was probably even more horrible than last time because it was snowing quite hard and even though I had hard-core gloves on, my fingers were froze off (once again, I'm typing with my nose). And then I did Zumba AFTER that 2 hour trek in the Bog. I am an exercise machine (disregard the fact that once I got to my dorm I refused to leave my room even to go study with a friend at the Ronj, which was almost directly across the street from my House).

5. I want to write more for my school's paper and website, but I'm so busy! I also want to do volunteering stuff and apply for scholarships and competitions, but I never have the time or enough will-power to do it when I DO finally have some time to relax. SNURFFFFFF!

6. I'm listening to this band I recently found called "Teen Girl Science Monthly" and I think they're pretty good. I want to start being able to  discern which bands play certain songs because I listen to songs in such a  disorderly manner that there tends to be a mental disjuncture for me between the song and the artist, so I never actually know what bands I like. This is  because I don't ever know who I'm listening to as I jam out to my "starred" playlist on Spotify. I realize this is not a big problem to have, but man, I want to be able to know and say what my musical preference is.

7. Speaking of music, I want to find a concert to go to in San Francisco over the summer. A smaller venue would be preferable, because I was talking to a friend and she said the big ones aren't as great as they seem. But there are a lot of concerts in San Francisco over the summer, I just have to figure out which ones I would like to go to, and which ones my San Francisco friends would tolerate going to with me.

8. I need to practice ukulele and singing more. I want to record myself singing and reciting poetry and create an archive of it for myself in the future when I want to remember who I was in my youth. I also just need to assemble all my poetry and writing into one form, not both paper and half-finished documents on my laptop. Oh, I have so much to do.

9. I also need to plan for Spring Break still.

10. I want to get into better shape, but I'm just so lazy, dessert is just so good, and starches/cheese are just so accessible. Halp.

Your true friend,

Nicold (it's chilly here)


  1. San Francisco...

  2. Haha, I've sort of moved out of my musical theater stage (ha!)once I came to college. I was thinking more like "The Postal Service", but the tickets are a tad expensive and the venue is huge. I've been looking up smaller venues, but not many have their calendar events up yet for June and July, so I'll just wait patiently. But thanks <3
