Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I know what you're thinking...

Jason is going to start off his post again by saying it's going to be a short post because he has homework to do!?!?!?


I got my first paper back today. B+.  "Well written, but I wish I could have understood the context."  Whatever that means.  Apparently when told to write a 2 page autobiography it actually means 2 pages is the minimum and you are encouraged to write more.  Am I the only person that thinks that is stupid? I'm pretty bitter about it. If this GSI doesn't shape up and start appreciating my writing more I'm going to be mad.  Just kidding, but not really.

My Birthday was Sunday.  That was exciting.  It wasn't like OHMYGAWDTHATWASSOMUCHFUN birthday, but I enjoyed it.  Kevin got me Zacharies (really good pizza to the rest of you who don't know EXCEPT RICH BECAUSE HE VISITED ME WHICH YOU SHOULD ALL DO (I realize upon proof-reading this (which I don't do often but I did because...Idk why actually (It's nice to return to my staple multiple sets of parentheses)) that Derek has in fact visited me, but I don't count that because it wasn't that long and I was an extremely bad host so I don't think he had much fun) and Virgil's rootbeer so that was nice. Then I did some homework. Then I played Settlers with Kevin, Matt and Morgan.  Then we got cream.  Then I did more homework.  Then I got dinner with Amanda. Then I attended the pledges first pledge-ed meeting.  Then I did more homework.  Then I went to bed. Then Then Then.

Oh and this happened. The picture is really dark. Kevin took a better one, but he's lame and wouldn't send me the picture. 

Oh and this happened too.  Judging by Rich's description of how offended some people get at small liberal arts schools I would say you guy's might find it interesting.  I have long been of the opinion that people get offended too easily so I wasn't too disturbed by it, but nevertheless it was interesting to see something I had seen as a meme on the internet played before my eyes.  I think the Nazi's have the advantage.  Their formation is much harder to hit.  Just saying : \ 

Oh on the same trend of political incorrectness, I have this to show you guys: best party theme ever.

It's funny how they could still get away with stuff like this in 1960. We all joked about how the equivalent would be having a 9/11 exchange and having someone dress up in an airplane costume and run into two towers of 30 racks. Yes, scoff at how immature and politically incorrect we are. If you are offended by my relation of this I'm not sorry because I hope that you know me better than that.  If not I don't know why you are reading my blog :S <-- new favorite emoticon face.

Also, I don't know if you guys know about this but I currently have a bet going with Kevin and Matt (Berg) that I won't play video games this semester (and, as of late, watch Dota 2 replays/livestreams).  It's the fourth week of school, and I'm just beginning to feel the cravings of what I think would be similar to that of a drug addicts (whenever I end with a possessive I always think about Genitive form in Latin). I'm not saying my dedication to video games is as serious as a recovering drug addicts addiction, but it is.

My parents are coming up this weekend so that should be fun. It will be nice to see them. Having people around you that love you and are supportive is an awesome feeling. I think I've decided to stay up in Berkeley this summer and take a class/do research.  This hasn't been set in stone, not even blueprinted up yet, but it's what I want to do.  So to connect those two thoughts you guys should all come up to Berkeley and visit me this summer because I tell myself that you guys love me (I don't need reciprocation, my thoughts are enough for me) and thus it's awesome to hang out with you guys.  Talk to you next Tuesday.




  1. If you were just told 2 pages, then yes it's stupid that s/he expected more. What's a GSI?
    As you know, I agree with you about people getting offended too easily. And yeah, the Nazis clearly hold the advantage.

  2. Graduate Student Instructor. TA for you I'm guessing.

  3. What? People who aren't professors grade your papers? Pshh, big schools.
