Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Protection from what?

I can't stay too long this week because I have two midterms on Thursday that I need to study for.

One thing I've been thinking about is how much I like taking my music class. It really breaks up the monotony of technical reading. If only my major didn't have so many requirements :( I'm debating whether to fill my sparse openings in the next two years with a) nothing b) cs courses or c) German.  I figure that a language course is probably the most useful humanities course to take given the possibility that it might help me get a job in Germany if I ever pursue that.  We will see what happens though. I already know next semester doesn't have room for any humanities. Shame.

In the spirit of not being able to write my blog post for this week, I give you a pessimistic haiku I wrote. Hope you enjoy.

Fantasies exist
only to remind us of
our unhappiness.




  1. I very strongly disagree with your haiku.

  2. If you have only ten minutes
    meditate for ten minutes
    If you have no time at all
    meditate for an hour

  3. Fantasies comfort
    When we are forced to survive
    Months without Derek

    Fantasies ensure
    We keep moving toward the things
    That make us happy

    Fantasies prevent
    Us from going insane when
    Homework takes all day

    Pessimist Jason
    Can't deter me from loving
    His happy flipside
