Saturday, November 23, 2013

Today isn't Thursday.

Hello everyone!  This'll be a short one, and it will begin with an apology that I missed the last two days I should have posted.  I'm SO BUSY.  I'm basically going to just tell you what work I have to do and anything else that comes to mind while I sit here alone in lab, waiting for my assay to run.  I'm playing Led Zeppelin right now!

Sorry about missing the last two days I was supposed to post.  I didn't forget, I just couldn't do it.

Hang on--next step in the assay!  Time to put some PBST in 12 tubes.  Alright, I'm back.

This weekend I have to write a 5-page review about a topic of my choice in recent biochemistry.  I chose ribosomal specificity.  I've always been pretty unsatisfied with the way I've been taught translation (The tRNAs recognize their codon, and stick to it! But then why have a ribosome at all?).  This is all really cool to me, so I'm enjoying the research.  My "Introduction" took up a whole page already, so I'm not too worried about that.  If anyone's interested in reading it/some professionally written papers, I'd be more than happy to link you to them.

I also have to write a 300 page abstract for my Hum 220 final.  In Frankenstein there's a scene in which the monster goes in and talks to a blind old man (the head of a family he's been watching for a while).  He begs to be accepted and welcomed by the old man, who promises to do his best.  Suddenly the son bursts in, beats the shit out of the monster, who promptly runs, even though he could have killed the son.  The next day the whole family is gone and the monster burns the cottage to the ground.  I'm going to analyze that scene through the lens of Kant.  So that'll be suuuuuuper easy.  I have not yet started this abstract.

My finals should be fairly manageable, but would be more so if I had more time to study/prepare/get all my independent work done (said every college student ever).

I'm glad your guys' lives are still eventful and fun, and that I'm not the only one that's insanely busy.

Next step!  Add 50/50 PBST/MeOH to the tubes!

Man I look really crazy in this picture.  I need to shave.  And get a haircut.  =D



  1. Please tell me that the 300 page abstract is a typo. That's longer than the book itself!

    Your classroom reminds me a lot of AP Chem. Your face reminds me a lot of this douche who used to haze me in AP Chem. Oh, wait... :D

  2. I was going to comment on the 300 page abstract. Definitely don't edit that, it's a great little tidbit.
