Monday, October 28, 2013

There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

It's been a relatively uneventful week. No class last Monday or Tuesday for Fall Break, but back at it now. No race last Saturday either. The post-season starts this Saturday with NESCACs, for which I am very excited. No, that doesn't quite do it. I haven't been this excited for a race since the California State Championships in 2010.

In place of a race (and this time a rhyme) we ran a tough workout on campus. Mile repeats, five of 'em. My group — the slowest group — did 5:30s. Racing is a lot more fun.

We're now using open source GIS (Quantum), which means it's stuff that you can download on your computer for free, as opposed to Arc, which costs something like $20,000. I'm not exaggerating. So that's pretty neat.

I wrote part of a story over the weekend for my creative writing class. We're supposed to write two stories, one due today and the other due in a few weeks, each 10 +/- 2 pages long, but my story got pretty long, so I'm turning in 11.4ish pages today, and I'll do the rest later.

We had a really good reading for that class, too. It was called, um, Searching For Marvin Gardens, I think. Let me Google that. Ah, The Search for Marvin Gardens. That's it.

We watched Fellowship on Saturday. Theatrical version, not extended. It's still good, don't worry.

It was real cold that day, Saturday. So cold that if you smiled outside, your lips would start bleeding. Perhaps that has more to do with the wind than the cold, but we had plenty of both. It's gotten a little better since, but not much. On the plus side, the mountains around campus now have snow on them.


  1. Finding good open source software is one of my favorite things. "Buy our $6,000 program. Or use that free one. WHATEVER."

    Marvin Gardens is a yellow property, making it a better investment than the red properties. Hope that helps you in class.

  2. Just read "The Search for Marvin Gardens" and I liked it a lot.

    Sounds like life is good. That's good. I hope I get to read the story someday.

    As far as the cold-- get Chapstick ASAP. Your dear mother bought me the nicest Blistex in Utah a few years ago, kind soul. If I could pass on the favor to you without spending an arm and a leg, I would.
