Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Paid in Food

Hello Dream Sailors,

I have been doing things and I plan on doing more things and look at me experiencing life!
This past weekend was a good one. It seems I have acquired the reputation for being a good photographer (ha!). Because of this, friends and acquaintances come to me to me for their visual arts and journalistic needs. It started last year when I was asked to photograph a Ronj sponsored concert in exchange for a free warm beverage, but lately it has become more common a request.

On Friday I photographed a fashion show put on by a (Somali refugee) high schooler who's starting a fashion line of conservative clothing for Muslim girls who "want to dress conservatively but still show their personality". I was offered this "job" by Nick, who volunteers for Tree Street Youth every weekday, and he offered to buy me dinner in exchange, so I was game.

Grace also asked me to record the Crosstones singing at the Parent's Weekend A capella concert, but my camera's recording device is notoriously bad at capturing noise well, so I said it wasn't really possible. I tried anyways. The video is better than expected, but too large to upload here, so you'll have to take my word for it.

On Saturday, I think for the most part I just failed at doing actual homework and instead spent time hanging with friends and chilling by myself, both of which I enjoy doing immensely.

On Sunday, Barbara asked me to take photos for her article that she was writing for The Bates Student, and after I finished taking pictures I was rewarded with a "STFU" brownie (that's what it's called) and a Chider (which is chai mixed with apple cider). The article was an interview with Le Ronj (student run coffee shop) managers about the new changes to the place.

 I have no excuse for putting that many photos of the same subject in this post, but there it is. I hope you can deal with it appropriately. Please refrain from throwing chairs if you can.

I also take photos of people who have jobs every week and write interviews of them for my position at the Student Employment Office and this week I interviewed and shot (like photography-wise) Charley.


And then I took a photo of a chair that was hiding in some foliage.


Nicole Danser


  1. You're becoming a photographer and I'm becoming a writer. Together we can be a single photojournalist and have a kid named Avenue Smirnoff. Thoughts?

    Glad things are going well, and congrats on being great.

  2. I'm still super game on the name Avenue, but Smirnoff isn't quite my jam anymore. I KNOW IT'S A PART OF THE MEMORY BUT I DON'T WANT OUR CHILD TO BE JUDGED BY HER NAME BY CRUEL SCHOOLCHILDREN.

    Also, I hope I'm becoming a writer as well, haha. Maybe not as quickly as you, but hopefully eventually I'll publish SOMETHING.

    <3 I miss you.
