Thursday, January 19, 2012


You know what?  I missed all y'all.  I'm glad we got to see each other over break (except Rachael, who must have inexplicably lost my number and not known who was texting her).  I kid, I kid.  Now that all of my abuse has gotten out of the way (All of it?  Who are we kidding.), let's kick some ARSE!!!!!11!!11!!!1!!!!shiftone!!!!11!!

FRIDAY LAST: So my dad got back from a business trip last Friday.  And this is after Ben had left, so I really did nothing all day.  My mom and I watched some Breaking Bad (which was awesome) and then my dad got home.  So we ate Chinese food around the table and were all talking and my mom had had too much to drink, so she started to do this thing where she interrupts whoever is talking with something that is tangentially-to-not-at-all related to what's happening.  Which I was more-or-less fine with cause I'm used to it.  But then I interrupted her once and she yelled at my father and me about how rude it is to interrupt people and left the room.  Then my dad and I laughed and caught up.  Then I went to bed.

SATURDAY LAST: My father and I went to the farmer's market.  We bought a bunch of nice things.  There was a stand there that was selling "Bitchin' Sauce" which was like a combo hummus chipotle lime sauce.  Someone walked up to him and the following conversation took place:
Dude: Hey!
Shopkeeper: Hey man, how've you been?
D: Great, you?
S: Bitchin'!
So that was hilarious.  Then we went on and bought a delicious Italian rum cake from the cake people.  We went home and had a nice dinner that we cooked, then yeah.  That was a good night.  Oh and we went to see Sherlock Holmes.  That was good.  OH ALSOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo meh I forget now.  Okay, so yeah.  Packed, went to bed.

SUNDAY LAST: Woke up, had breakfast with mah pappy, then went to the airport.  Got through security quick like a rabbit, then finished The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.  It's a novel by Haruki Murakami.  Kind of a combination mystery...drama?  It's weird, but awesome.

MONDAY LAST: Ehhhhh...did I do anything?  Nope.  I read by the fire, chilled out.  Ate dinner at thai food.

TUESDAY LAST: Same as Monday, except for dinner I went to the foodcarts.  There's one that's a crepe cart.  I got one with spinach, mushrooms, cheese, and fake meat; and another with lemon curd, lingonberry, and cherve.  Holy crap so good.  Then we got back and it started to snow.  HARD.  So we were walking around (I woke up my friend Varchas, who had never seen snow before).  Then Autumn got the idea to grab some lunch trays from commons and use them as sleds.  THAT WAS THE MOST FUN IN HISTORY.  HOLY CRAP SO FUN (and dangerous) BUT FUN.

Face first on a lunch tray--the safest way to sled.

I told you guys I'd get a picture of the blue bridge.
YESTERDAY: Went to the gym, read some more, then went to Trader Joe's, then...ehhhh...oh yeah.  Played minecraft and slept.

TODAY: Woke up at noon, had breakfast, went to an audition (which I think went well).  Now I'm just chilling writing this blog in the common room watching people play video games.  OH YEAH weird thing?  My HDMI cable disappeared over break.  I have no idea where it went.  So I got a new one that'll get here with my new lens and stuff on Monday.  I'm really excited for my new lens.  55-200mm f/4-5.6

Have a good week everyone!  Good to be back.

P.S. Ms Topping, you said something about looking forward to the next time your name was in the blog, so this post script is for you.
Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping.


  1. You really need to break off a branch, go to the middle of the blue bridge, wait for someone to walk towards you (preferably someone who is all lit up), shout a certain famous movie line, and slam said branch on the ground.

  2. Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping Ms Topping.January 21, 2012 at 7:30 AM

    Is it a liberal education your gettin' there, Rich, or a literal one? Shucks, though. Thanks. That should tide me over for awhile.
