Thursday, January 26, 2012


I sing that song every morning in the shower, but somewhat quietly.  IT'S TRUE, REED FRIENDS.  LISTEN TO ME WHILE I SHOWER!
Okay let's go!

Well now I'm watching stuff form the Tony awards.  Okay.  Now we'll really go!

FRIDAY LAST: Okay so...I think...yeah I have no idea what I did on Friday...something involving...yeah nope.  Nooo idea.  Probably just sat around.

SATURDAY LAST: I woke up late and played a bunch of D&D with Stack, Ted, Varchas, and Evan.  Then...did we go to dinner?  Or...yeah I think we food carts or something.  So yeah.  Then we got back and bitched about people at Reed for several hours.  It started because someone is protesting a thing in our cafeteria where they say "This meal has only 600 calories" at a single station.  That's it.  They don't say "YOU'RE FAT" or anything of the sort.  Just tell you a number.  And this girl is protesting it because she says that it will trigger people with eating disorders.  And I hate that.  Anyhow.

SUNDAY LAST: Woke up late, and played a different variety of D&D with Ted, Helene, Varchas, and Joe.  I'm playing a huge lion-man with a massive hammer and heavy armor.  Also I'M A GEEK.  Then Liz and Autumn were out shopping so I got dinner at commons (holy crap delicious tempeh quesadilla.  It was actually really awesome) and brought it back.  I ate it in front of the fire while finishing The Sisters Brothers (A pretty good book, if you like westerns. 'bout two brothers with the last name Sisters cowboyin' around.).  They got back and Liz complained about her day and I, in contrast, said how awesome mine was.  Then, as my plan was to get up at 7 for the gym, I went to bed cause it was midnight.  BUT MY BRAIN DECIDED I WANTED TO STAY UP TILL 4.

MONDAY LAST: I woke up as Ted was leaving for the gym at 7:30.  I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and made it there, did my work out, and had breakfast.  Then it was off to Hum lecture, which was meh.  Some mostly-boring facts about an entirely-shitty play (The Clouds, Aristophanes).  After then chem, hum, and then my new math class.  It's Intro Analysis, which is proving the basic tenants of math, such as 1 + 1 = 2, and -1 x -1 = 1, which doesn't make sense if you think about it, but then does if you reallllllly think about it.  Then a twenty minute lunch break (Which is my schedule Monday Wednesday Friday.  Class from 9-1 or 9-4, with only 20 minutes for lunch.) and bio lecture.  This section's professor is AMAZING.  In today's (Thursday's) lecture he was talking about embryos and was like "And if this stage doesn't go right, you end up with what I like to call THE BLOB, or a fucked up embryo."  and "So us animals say 'So we have to do the maternal stage, then the zygotic stage, and then blah blah blah' but plants say 'WE GOT THIS STUFF, LET'S JUST FUCKIN' ROLL' and take right off."  I love him so goddamn much.  Anyhow.  Then I got home, actually did all my homework, and hung out.

TUESDAY LAST: Headed off to the gym, got breakfast, then bio lecture, which was similarly awesome.  Had a quick break during which I reviewed math stuff, then went to math.  After this, I did that day's math homework, and then just as I finished I looked at the clock and MISSED MY GODDAMN PAPER CONFERENCE BY TEN MINUTES.  I slapped on some flip flops (winter gear) and ran all the way to my professor's office.  I was 15 minutes late, but he was like "It's fine, I forgot your paper at home, so no harm no foul".  Then I left, hung out, and ate.

YESTERDAY: Hum lecture, which was reallllyyyyyy boring stuff I already knew about an enjoyable book (Trial and Death of Socrates, Plato), then chem, then hum conference in which we talked yada yada and I got back my final that I was expecting to pretty much do horribly awfully disgustingly bad on.  87%!  So that was nice.  Then math, then my chem lab.  I showed up and we just had to make sure we had equipment and we got to leave, cause there's no real lab this week.  That gave me an extra like 3 hours to work! So I did.

TODAY: I woke up and didn't know where I was.  Turns out I was in my bed, but for some reason I couldn't register that fact.  Nor did the realization that I literally could not discern my location cause me any sense of alarm.  I simply couldn't say where I was.  I took this fact as an indication that I needed to get more sleep today, even though I've been getting a good 7 hours a day.  So I skipped the gym, unfortunately, but today I have my cross-country skiing class, so hopefully that's a good workout.  Anyway, then bio lecture and chem conference.  Then THE PRESENT.

Have a good week folks!  Feel better, Derek.

P.S. You may have, but most likely did not, notice that I worked out this week.  I'm trying to lose weight, and starting Friday when my scale lets here I will be starting the "Public Shame" diet, which involves me publicly posting my weight every day.  So as not to be an annoyance on facebook, I'll be using twitter (@PlethoraChutney).  Feel free to follow me and give encouragement/abuse, or not.  Also, I meant to say this but am not sure if I did and am far too lazy to check and insert this fact in the right place, but I started Moby Dick.  I like it so far.  Also here's a picture I took that I meant to post when I took it back before break.  I love the blue bridge, have I mentioned that?

I took this down in the canyon, looking up at the bridge (on the left) and the dorm that's near mine, Bragdon (on the right).


  1. Cross country skiing is awesome. So glad you've decided to give it a try. And I do feel better, thank you.

  2. I like your choice of character. I imagine him like this:
    It's a magic card if you were unaware.

    Also, good luck on your weight loss!!!!! :)
    Favio made me a twitter but I don't know how to use it yet, so if I ever figure out how to use it/remember the password for it I'll post to your twitter. Or whatever the equivalent of that is. I don't know how that shit works.

  3. I never forget those days when I go to school early in the morning. Great days those were.
