Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Very New Year, A Fairly Similar Nicole

Ah, how good of you to come here and see me.  But alas! I didn’t expect you! I look like such a mess, pixels all disheveled and tossed everywhere! My layout is usually tidier than this. But we must carry on. Onwards? Onwards!
 It’s 2012, the start of a new year, and you will all be smugly satisfied (you heartless bastards) in knowing that I have already broken all three (count them, three!) new year’s resolutions. How, might you ask, did this happen? Ah, my curious noodles, you will find out in just a moment’s time.

My first resolution was to make decisions that would lead to better stories, so my life would be more interesting. I knew this resolution was silly from the onset (Derek also blatantly stated that it was a stupid idea as well, and that really should be evidence enough to decide on something’s inferior nature.) Anyways, obviously I have not been abiding by this resolution. Otherwise I would have skipped many classes, done terribly unhealthy things, and would probably be dead. I just wanted my life to be more adventurous and interesting, but this was not the correct implementation or execution to change my life.
My second resolution was to stop caring what other people thought about me. That probably lasted about one second, as I am very self-conscious about myself and the decisions I make (which, in fact, have not been very interesting. See resolution 1).  But I have been cursing more when it suits my needs (usually only used when it adds humor to the joke I am making. Which is frequent. I seem to make quite a few jokes. In fact, that’s probably 90% of what comes out of my mouth. Jokes. And almost nothing else substantial or meaningful. Just jokes.) So that was failure number 2.
My third resolution was to take a picture every day and post in on my other blog “366 Frames of Mind”, but I ended up having nothing to take pictures of (other than myself, which I find horribly egocentric). Then I forgot to take pictures. And then I forgot to post the pictures I did take. Now I just am too lazy to take on such a commitment. It’s not fun anymore and I have stuff to do, you guys. I really do.  Sweet baby Zeus, I am quite bad at committing to things (Watch out, boys. Haha. But seriously, watch out. I’m a crazy one. I’m the one that got away . . . from the asylum). I am completely the same person, but with more failure under my belt.
Well, I’ve been back at school for a week and a half and I’ve already gotten back into the groove of things. Last weekend I went to Dartmouth for debate and judged five rounds. Bates won “Top Novice Team” and “Top Varsity Team”, which means that my friends Taylor, Matt and Colin all got trophies. And by trophies I mean shot glasses and mugs. Ah, the spoils of victories! I went to my first frat party that weekend (at Dartmouth, because Bates doesn’t have, and never had,  fraternities or sororities. BECAUSE WE’RE BETTER THAN YOU). Anyways, the party was quite dull, especially since I do not drink. Also, in one of the frats there was dog feces in the corner of a room. Or, at least, I think it was from a dog. So, you know, that was a thing.
My classes seem interesting enough. I am taking a Chinese language course, a Chinese literature course, a class called “Environment and Culture” and a Chemistry class (which I can already tell you will be the bane of my second semester). Debate is still going beautifully. There will be a novice tournament in two weeks where all the newbie debaters from Bates go up against each other. I wasn’t excited about it until today, because I figured out a WICKED AWESOME case that will be enjoyable to write as well as to debate about. I cannot indulge your curiosities about what the case is about on this website, however, because it is top secret, and I cannot trust you (I’m looking at you, Russian readers. NO! I’m kidding! DON’T LEAVE! I’M RUSSIAN TOO! I HAVE RUSSIAN BLOOD!)
So yes, that has been my life thus far: broken resolutions, dog excrement, and so-far-so-good classes. I look forward to seeing how the year unfolds.
Please be gentle, 2012.

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