Tuesday, January 24, 2012

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no

This whole day I've been wondering what to write for this blog post.  And now it is 10:43pm and I am just beginning my adventure into Blogland to attempt at creating an entertaining post for you devoted readers.  You may be thinking, "Only 10:43? That's early. I go to bed at *insert late time here*."  I can't blame you for thinking this because I probably would have thought it myself last semester.  However, 10:43 is quite late for me.  I was not aware that my out-of-state friends had no idea what classes I am taking or what my schedule looked like.  It simply didn't cross my mind that my friends, separated by hundreds of miles, did not have the capabilities to read my mind.  So my first plan of action is to amend this by explaining just how much my schedule sucks this semester.
I have 17 units worth of class this semester.  Physics, Chem, Math, and Engineering are the departments in which the classes are listed under, and I won't try to explain the specificities of each one because that's just a little too much effort.  Each class is 4 units, and then I'm taking a 1 unit P.E. (yes, physical education) course.    The P.E. is called Military Affairs 1 and is a military training course that I'm taking with Kevin, Joel, and Matt.  It is three days a week, from 6:30-7:30am.  Yeah, you read that right.  I think I'm in the clear to say that "that's pretty early."  I guess Derek might have earlier practices (?) but regardless of which one of us wakes up earlier I would still stand by the statement that this class is extremely early in the morning.

Today was an extra special day because we had the military fitness test, and because of this I had to wake up at 5:15.  I don't think I've woken up that early in years.  I wasn't really happy with my performance on the test, but I guess that's why I'm in this P.E.  Overall, I like waking up early and working out.  The worst part is just to get over the original shock of waking up in the morning to bird/elephants/bells courtesy of my alarm clock.  This   leads back to my earlier statement about the lateness of 10:43 (now 11:04 yikes).  I'm tired much earlier in the day, and I have attempted to set a bed time of around 11pm which, reluctantly, I have yet to religiously attend to.  I'm also extremely sore most of the time.  This doesn't bother me much thought because I like being sore (no masochism) because it reminds me that I'm actually getting stronger.

Back to what I should be concerned about though, my 16 units of classes that I am paying thousands of dollars for.  Classes are okay for now, but I expect them to get much harder.  Physics and Engineering (the title is confusing, its basically an introductory class to all things Matlab) are easier than Chem and Math, but I suspect that they will all be manageable.  I hope so at least.  This will definitely be a tough semester.  I have 28 hours of class a week, not including my P.E., and it's hard to find the time to fit in homework.  Hopefully all will go well.

This week in particular I've been extra busy.  It's rush week and I've been spending an average of about 4 hours a day at my fraternity.  I really have found a love for not only hanging out with my brothers but also trying to make Phi Psi the best it can be.  Rush week ends Thursday, and I'm happy so far with the pledge class we have assembled, but I hope we can get a couple more rushees convinced in the next two days.  I'm hoping that when rush is over I'll be able to manage my schoolwork better because if every following week is as hectic as this one has been I doubt I'll be able to manage my classes as well as I would like.

It's 11:17 now, and I'm really tired so I'm going to have to cut off here and go to bed.  I'm sorry I have to continue this trend of short posts for the week, but I simply cannot write any more, I need sleep so I can wake up at 6:00 tomorrow morning for workout.  I've also decided that this will be the last week of cute pictures because, although fun, I think it limits what the mood of my post can be which I don't like.  I'm hoping that because I'll have less time this semester for blogging I'll put more effort into making shorter, more meaningful posts rather than laundry lists of what I did throughout the week.  So to conclude this post I'll post some of the best pictures I had archived for future cute pictures of the week.

Hope everyone's week is fantastic.



  1. Sometimes I get up earlier, sometimes I don't. But even when I don't, I actually do, and so do Rachael and Nicole. Actually, Nicole might sleep in enough to blow the three hour lead that the three of us have over you. I wouldn't put it past her.

    You used the term "Matlab" like I just used the term "term"; i.e. as if its definition is common knowledge. So now I'm curious: Am I the only one who had to look it up? Additionally, am I the only one who spent a few minutes looking it up and still has no idea what it is? Also, your schedule looks like something that could be used on terrorism suspects instead of waterboarding.

    Your pictures are very cute, Jason. In fact, they couldn't be a lot cuter unless they were self-portraits. Photo self-portraits, that is.

    If you come back with better abs than me, there's gonna be hell to pay.

  2. I had no idea what Matlab was either, Derek, and I like the time zone joke. EST is the bEST time zone.

    Jason- your class load seems intense but I believe in you. We are leading parallel lives- both of our classes started last Tuesday and this week is rush week. However, I have no math or science classes (except Microecon) and you have no humanities classes. Also, you are quickly becoming much fitter than I. Not to say that you weren't before.

    And the pictures are darling, thanks for them.
