Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things actually happened this week.

Today I was in my dorm room thinking about how I had to-- I mean got to write a blog post. I was wracking my brain trying to remember what I had done in the past week. In utter frustration, I spoke aloud to my roommate. "I cannot for the life of me remember what I did this past week" I cried out to Lydia. And to my utter amazement, she responded with a description of what I had done recently. Best Roommate Ever.

On Wednesday and Thursday, I finally started to debate again. I hadn't debated in a while due to the fact that I had been away on Winter Break as well as the fact that I volunteered to judge quite a few rounds instead of debating. This is due to the fact that I was frightened to start up debating again. Why was I so nervous? Because I am an unpleasantly bad debater. But I finally started up again, and I'm getting back into the groove of things.

On Friday, my friend Ashleen and I trekked through the harsh, blustering wind in the dirty slush to the Androscoggin river for our "Environment and Culture" class. My facebook profile picture is now of me standing in front of part of the river. Alas, if Derek wanted to look at the picture, he could not, as he is facebook-less. But luckily he does not want to look at the picture, so all is well in the world.
When I finally got back from the adventure into Lewiston and Auburn, I read this feminist book called "The Purity Myth" which is quite a good feminist read with a lot of salient points and interesting take on our society. So, you know, it makes men feel guilty and shit. After my hour of self-righteousness I went to participate in "The Puddle Jump". but as a spectator. The puddle jump is where the Outing Club makes a large hole in the pond on campus, and then people jump into the pond. Yep. Also, this event coincided with another holiday, Newman Day, in which bold and daring (read: idiotic and infuriating) students take the Newman Challenge. The challenge is to drink 24 beers in 24 hours. So there may have been a few highly intoxicated students jumping into frigid water. So yes, this is college, folks.

On Saturday I did work and was a good college student. On Saturday night, instead of attending the 90s dance in which many of the debaters went to (and pre-gamed for), I decided to stay inside my dorm room and cuddle up with my friend Victoria to watch a Star Trek movie. It was the one in which the crew (Kirk, Spock, etc.) had to save a pair of whales to save the earth. Spoilers: they did it.

On Sunday I did more work, then worked with my debate partner on some cases for the upcoming Novice Tournament (in which Bates novice debaters . . . debate each other). That was when I came up with an ultra-fantastic-super duper-amazing case idea that Derek knows about but will not write about because debaters read this blog and could thus prepare against my case beforehand. Then I watched an episode of "Sherlock" with some debaters.

On Monday I worked on the New York Times Crossword with Taylor and Kevin (we finished it! Yes, yes, I know. It's a Monday crossword. We shouldn't even need three people to finish it. Got it.) went to my classes, went to my Chemistry lab that took three hours and twenty minutes to finish, and then debated a case with my debate partner (Alex). I then took a shower, did more work, and went to bed.

 Yesterday I worked on the New York Times Crossword with my friends Jordan and Jack (long time, no reference, amiright? Well, I'm trying to get back into his social circle. Haha. I need non-debater friends.) I then went to my classes, did some more homework, had dinner with Julia, Taylor, Colin, Ned and Shana, then went to my night class (Chinese Literature in Translation).

Today I worked on the New York Times Crossword with my friend Taylor, went to class, watched a required movie for my Environmental class (some of it was in Chinese and I understood it without reading the subtitles. EDUCATION SUCCESS!). I then worked on my case a bit more, printed it out, went to my TA session for my Chinese language class, then went to debate where I tried out my AWESOME CASE which turns out not to be that awesome but is still fun to run (I need to make some changes to it, though.) Hmm, I feel like my explanation of debate interests you guys as much as Derek's explanation of hockey stuff interests you guys. In the sense that EVERYONE REALLY LIKES READING ABOUT IT. Right? Right? Anyways, I just came back from a Chemistry homework/study session and I still need to take a shower and study for my Chinese quiz tomorrow. Ugh, I also have ANOTHER Chinese quiz on Friday, along with a Chemistry quiz as well.

On Friday I might go see "Shame" with Taylor, Colin and Vic. But it contains a lot of sex and nudity, which might be a deal breaker. Also, apparently it's amazing that I've never watched ( neither accidentally or intentionally) porn before. Taylor and Vic were astounded. I don't know if I should feel proud of my luck or left out because I am not currently in the "surprised by porn" club. By the way, this subject came up in a very odd way (I cannot quite remember how) and ended in a very odd way (in which I left the dining table and Taylor and Vic started watched "Pterodactyl Porn" on Taylor's ipad. So yes, these are my valued friends.

Off to shower!

- Nicole

P.S. For dessert tonight I had french fries dipped in soft served ice cream. I was revered as a hero and an innovator. Not as a freak, as Middlebury students might have regarded me as. Bates College, no judgement!


  1. "So, you know, it makes men feel guilty and shit."
    It's just so weird knowing Nicole wrote that. Not because of the subject matter, mind you, but because of the diction. You have changed, Nicole.

  2. For some reason, Derek's comment made me think of that song from Tarzan, "Strangers Like Me". If you know the song, you may be singing it in your head now. If not, look it up. Not because it's quality music, just because I don't want you to feel left out.

    ...I WANNA KNOW ABOUT THESE STRANGERS LIKE ME... *singing & swinging through trees* Take my hand, there's a world I need to show you! Yeah, Tarzan!

  3. Also, good job working on those crosswords but I think the Washington Post > NY Times. Not the crossword, just the news presentation in general.

  4. Sometimes, It's really difficult to think about past events.

  5. HEY IT'S MONIQUE AND I'VE JUST STARTED READING YOUR BLOG NOW. Thanks for linking it to me all those months ago... she said sarcastically.

    I'm just chiming in to say that I saw Shame with Ryan, and it was pretty good. Don't get me wrong, all of the acting was PHENOMENAL (some of the best performances of this year), but the directing was kind of self-indulgent. Also, it's about a guy with a sex addiction so there is A LOT of sex. There's one shot that is at crotch-height of Fassbender waking up, walking to the bathroom, answering the phone, and going back to the bathroom that lasts about a minute and a half... and twice he ambles right through the frame with his junk just hangin' out. Just... there. In everyone's face. And it's not like a glimpse either, IT'S GRATUITOUS.

    And that's just the beginning. He bangs everyone. In every way. So if you're uncomfortable with sex or with the relationships you have with the people you're going to see it with, don't go. It will be awkward. Ryan and I have been bffls forever but there were still moments where we had the mutual understanding of "yes, this is supposed to be very bleak and depressing but actually I feel like it's an arthouse porno". And it kind of is. That being said, Fassbender and this other girl (not Carey Mulligan, some girl who plays his coworker) give mindblowing performances, but I don't know if that's enough for you to go see it.

    If you're looking for an awesome flick with a killer story that's well acted and super unique you should see Drive. It's probably on DVD by now but it might be my favorite film of this year. There's gratuitous violence, but there's also gratuitous Ryan Gosling wearing driving gloves, so everything evens itself out in the end. Go see it.

    DAMN, this is kind of embarrassing that I wrote so much, but whatever. I love movies and wanted you to be informed. HOORAY.
