Monday, September 24, 2012

Eugenides! (If it didn't have 4 syllables in your head, you're saying it wrong)

Hey kiddos!

So I don't have time to blog a full post tonight.  I will write a complete week's summary tomorrow.  But the best thing ever happened to me.

I won't keep you waiting about it either: I met Jeffrey Eugenides tonight!  Author of Middlesex, The Virgin Suicides, and most recently The Marriage Plot (which I think Nicole and Ms. Topping will enjoy a lot.  To the rest I encourage the perusal of Middlesex).  It was amazing.  I have never met anyone famous; I do not take after Nicole's family, who has met or will meet everyone they want to.  And Middlesex, as I have attested to many times throughout this blogging experiment (even defending it in the face of NoTW fans who insist that their book is better), is one of my favorite books.

So happy!

Also, I did a fun "Who do you write like?" writing analysis today that uses your diction to determine what famous author you write like. I found that putting in different types of writing, not surprisingly, yielded different results.  I write like:
  • Cory Doctorow (when I put in my article for Mass Communications class)
  • J.D. Salinger (when I put a satirical Y.O.L.O. piece I wrote)
  • Kurt Vonnegut (when I put in my "novel"--which is funny, because I never loved him.  But I can definitely see the similarities)

I write like
Kurt Vonnegut
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!
There's some more complexities to that than I will explain here about those assignments, but I encourage you people to also determine who you write like.  I am curious.

More will come tomorrow.  But I had a very nice, though incredibly busy, day.


P.S. Interestingly enough (and I swear this is true), when I put in two sentences of Eugenides's Middlesex, it also says he writes like Vonnegut.  Aka I will win a Pulitzer and that is not a jump in logic.

P.P.S. Update: I just want to make clear I recommend The Marriage Plot to those two ladies, but must make it clear that I have only read four pages thus far.  Follow the advice accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Now that you're friends with Eugenides and I'm friends with Rothfuss (and by friends I clearly mean we have each met them once), maybe we can call them up and have them engage in a fistfight to the death to determine who the better author is.

    Also, I put in a few things I've written, and here's what it says:

    Of Mice and Men Chapter 7, 9th Grade Waldrip's Class:
    Vladimir Nabakov

    Iliad Paper from last year: Edgar Allen Poe

    Aeneid Paper from last year: William Shakespeare

    Blog Post from last year: Mary Shelley

    I'd like to know how on Earth this website comes up with this stuff. I can't help but think it's at least 62% bullshit. Partly because I put a Steinbeck passage in there and it threw me Vonnegut.
