Monday, September 10, 2012

Managing to be in love with Monday

I’ve done some intense lyric analysis as preparation for today’s post, using The Cure’s “Friday I’m in Love” song.  And I’ve determined based on this piece of scholarly wisdom that I have traded to a very crappy day.  Whereas on Friday, the speaker “is in love,” Monday is described as being “black,” “blue,” and a day in which you must make the decision to either “fall apart” or “hold your head.”  Derek must have done some high-level research about early 90’s British hits before “consenting to” (or so I thought at the time, more like manipulating me into) a trade.

Only kidding.  Mondays have turned out to be my most busiest day, but there’s nothing wrong with that.  I have class from 8:55 to 2:25.  That is a long time, if you were wondering.

Our blog is the beautiful child to a variety of blogging philosophies and practices; a post can be purely philosophical, or focus on its creator’s entire week, or a specific event in the creator’s week.  This week I will be opting for the last strategy because I am not like Nicole.  Her weeks seem to be jam-packed with amazing events.  Good or bad, that is not how I would characterize my college experience, if I were trying to be realistic.

This week my amazing event was the Color Run, which was yesterday.  It’s a 5k where people throw powder at you after each kilometer you run, and then at the end there’s a dance party where everyone throws their powder packets on each other.  It was a total blast (of both powder and fun—ooh, a pun!) and I’m so glad I could do it.  The event is reminiscent of the Indian holiday Holi, if you’ve heard of that.  Yay, getting dirty in a beautiful way!?  It’s colored corn starch, but the event planners managed to keep it cool, not corny, despite that.  I know what you’re thinking; leave the puns to Nicole.  Consider them left.
Anyway I will show you some pictures of that event.  There was no deeper philosophical significance, just good, clean fun, except not clean fun.  If I were going to hatch some important meaning, I would say it’s a good idea for our obesity-ridden society to make exercise more fun/interactive, an objective that was executed well at this event.

Things I am excited about: the prospect of studying abroad in Spain, the fact that my roommate and I are getting along well, my human rights class replacing my math class, two internship meetings I’m going to this week, the new Backstreet Boys poster in my room (custody shared by my roommate Eleanor and I), and that I will be meeting my Communications professor for the first time tomorrow.  He is the Public Policy Communications Manager for Facebook and has been at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions (did you guys watch either of them?  I know some of us are deliberately lazily uninvolved in politics).
Backstreet's Back.... All right.
Things that are conflicting to me: Whether to study in Spain or a developing country, considering my desire to do non-profit work (this is part of a much bigger internal debate I won’t bore you with); how to fill my spare time; how to get motivated to read the entire newspaper everyday (my favorite part is the advice column, which doesn’t fit into either of my majors); and I’ve also been thinking about getting a tattoo.  Notice my proper usage of semi colons in a list that included commas.  I’ve decided if I still really want it when I turn 20, I’ll consider it more seriously, because I know it’s not a decision to be made rashly.  Right now it’s just a thought.

Anyway.  It was a fun weekend and hoping the week goes equally smashing-ly.

Good luck and godspeed.



  1. Oooh, I would think carefully on tattoos. I am not a fan. Though to think my lifestyle ideals should dictate yours is foolish to say the least. But yeah, think long and hard about it.

    I missed out on Holi last year and I completely regret it. Definitely will be taking part this year. The running idea sounds like a nice activity in conjunction with it.

  2. It was an amazing event and yeah it definitely propelled me to finish another kilometer.

    I know you don't love tattoos. A lot of people don't. In fact, I can't say I've never judged someone for having a lot of tattoos or tattoos of a violent/misogynist nature. Mine would be a small phrase on my inner arm (I was thinking "Jason's Morals Are Misguided" would be a good choice) (totally kidding, I definitely don't think that). Agreed it is a big decision and one not to be taken lightly.

  3. I was thinking about your year abroad(or some other significant unit of time slightly less than a year). I am a big fan of the year abroad -- the only advice I will give while you are considering it is to make it more of a heart decision and less of a head decision*. What feels right, interesting, challenging, whatever your criteria are. There will be opportunities to do meaningful, non-academic, non-profit work everywhere. YOU are the one who makes her opportunities.


    *OF COURSE you will need to use your brain to decide on classes and living arrangements and so forth -- logistics, ho!

  4. Thank you for being excited for me! And thanks for the comment.

    My heart wants to go to Spain, but also wants to save the world, as naive as that is. I really want to empower myself to do so, and just having talked to representatives from a particular agrarian non-profit, I'm at a disadvantage to working in Africa because I don't know French or Swahili (which is head talk), but I really see myself going there and fostering change (which is heart talk). So it's tough. I've also considered doing two semesters abroad, but that may be impossible with two majors.

    Thank you for your advice. I agree with it.

  5. I watched part of the DNC! MIchelle Obama and Bill Clinton's speeches were so amazing. I wish I could speak like that. I read some article showing the deviations Clinton made from his script, and it's remarkable what happens once he gets in the flow.
