Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello everyone.

I know, I know, you're all thinking, "Why Rich, you made those great couple videos at the end of last year, I bet this first post will be full of a new intro and some great music and your face flapping on and on about all shorts of shit!".  But you're wrong.  It won't.  I right now have 1 hour until my history class, and have only read two of three BOOKS that were assigned since TUESDAY.  Then, after class, (which is 7:30, for those keeping score at home) I have to do a physics problem set (~20 minutes), a multi problem set (~2 hours) and then Insanity (~1 hour).  In short, no time today for a video, unless there is, in which case I will make a video.  I'll try for next week.

Love you all, glad we're all together again.  Everyone's my favorite.


1 comment:

  1. Huh. I read "be full of new nitro". So may the next post knock all the socks off. Good luck.
