Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Titles are overrated.

Writing before breaks is overrated as well.
I wish there was some way to play music in the background automatically when you opened up someone's individual post. There is so much music I would like to share with you guys.  Music that I enjoy, find amusing, or exists as a combination of these characteristics.  I guess I'll start by allowing you to choose between two musical selections for the background music as you read this blog.  Clumsily, it will be through youtube, but I have faith you'll forgive me.

The first one is basically just for Nicole because that is immediately who I thought of when I listened to this.  No, it's not because of the scandalously clad lady as the freeze frame, but you are welcome to adopt that persona if you wish Nicole.  It's a Classical music/Dubstep fusion to describe it briefly.  I like it, check it out if you want to experience something new.

This second one is more of something I think Derek would listen to.  Actually it's something I listen to, but I doubt you'll think that unless you know of a particular Pandora station I endorse.  I think as Derek put it when he first heard this song, "It's like traveling through a magical forest.  Faeries and such.  Gnarly Brah."  I paraphrase, of course.  

I hope you chose one of the two musics to listen to as you read this, otherwise I will be sad. Very sad.

Moving on, I realize now that I probably don't have enough information to cover for the entire x minutes of the song you are now listening to.  Maybe for the shorter one, probably not for the longer one.  Regardless, I do have many pictures this week that I think a majority of you will enjoy.  The pictures also come with anecdotes, so hopefully those will fill time.  So without further ado, in chronological order, Here We Go...

This is a picture from my E45 class (material science, properties of materials course) and it is known as a photoelastic plate.  What it does is map out stress concentrations on a material using varying colors.  I took a picture of it because it had pretty colors and who doesn't like pretty colors?  

This is my roommates bed.  Or rather, this is Rosa on my roommates bed.  Rosa is a woman we found while cleaning out our fraternity house.  It seems the sorority girls who lived here prior left one of their precious belongings behind.  This painting is definitely stranger in real life than it appears in this photo.
 This is a picture of the courtyard of the library I was studying in all of Sunday. I thought it was pretty.  I thought you might think so too.  I was studying past the windows a little to the right of the tree in the center of the photo.  It was my first time in this library (Haas Library) and I'm sure it will not be my last.  I think I've found my new studying location for the semester.

This is a picture on top of Tan Hall, where a Chevron infosession was being held.  Pictures, especially those hastily taken, rarely convey the scene in the same way that memory and actual experience do, but I will concede that this picture does try quite a bit to show you how it really looked.

This is just me being a fool.  But I needed a picture for another paragraph on Chevron. This, along with a flashlight, comprised my spoils of war from the infosession.  What I wanted to say about it though was that it a) reinforced even more my resolve that I love ChemE and b) opened my eyes that with a geography degree Derek and I might be destroying ecosystems someday together. <3

This is my final picture, and really it was just me trying to be artsy fartsy while making a couple people in this blog feel exclusive and awesome.

I will end with a throwback to something I mentioned in my last post.  It was a section of the ChemE reading I hyped up, and is the answer to the "defining question" that was introduced yesterweek.

The defining question for this section - “How does one get down off an elephant?”

The defining question for this section - “How does one get down off an elephant?” is an example of
a poorly defined problem.  If one needs down - the soft fluffy feathers used in pillows - a better source is a goose, not an elephant.  The real problem is better defined as “How does one get down off a goose?”

God I love ChemE.

This week is going to be a hectic one.  Lots of homework due and much studying to be done.  I'll see you next Tuesday after three midterms.



  1. The second piece of music belongs in Ms. Ngo's lab playlist. Nostalgia!

    I really want to finish reading your ChemE thing, but there are too many things to do! :( My first test is in two days, and I'm totally going to dominate... once I figure out what's actually on the test.

  2. Haha nice, it truly is a great read but I completely understand. I'm already swamped with work a couple weeks into school. First midterm for me on Monday. Good luck on yours! I'm sure you'll do fine.

  3. Oh my god, Ngo's playlist. Also that library is beautiful. I'll have to head to my favorite coffee shop to show you. You know. For science.

    Is Rosa single? Cause let me tell you...hottie.

  4. First off: the song that reminded you of me? At vidcon this amazing violinist played that song over the dubstep mix while dancing around the stage. I don't know if she was the original creator of the song (or at least the mix of the violin and dubstep), but it was AWESOME to listen to live.

    Secondly, could you say the second song was not only Nostalgic but NGOstalgic? BAM. Nailed it.

    Thirdly, please try not to destroy the environment.

  5. Rich: I'm excited, coffee shops are my favorite places.

    Derek: Lol

    but not really, I just felt I should address you for equality sakes.

    Nicole: Probably the same artist? That sounds amazing, I'm jealous. Always punny as usual (note the lack of any effort in creating an original pun, clearly not my thing). And I'll try.

  6. Jason, why can't you harness your brain power for doing GOOD stuff to the environment? What about Lucas (isn't that what you want to name your kid)? Don't you love him? Anyway, man has been ruining the environment for eons. I think it's more important to do good.

    I really liked this post, and sorry for the late commenting. And yes, I do know about your Pandora station choices, since we all inputted our preferences during the exclusive mug event you referenced.
