Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Live Ever, Die Never

Hey gang, hope all of your weeks look a little bit better (or a lot, that works too) than mine.  My week looks rather stressful with the three midterms I have along with a formal lab report and five-page lab proposal I have due.  So yeah, this week's going to be fun.
Because this week has so much to look forward to I thought I would write my post on Monday.  Now, to those who think this is cheating, it very well may be, but I really just wanted an excuse to use that feature where you can choose what day the post posts on regardless of when you have written it.  That last sentence probably has some tense problems in it but when has that stopped me before so whatever.

I won't brief you on the hellish schedule of my week because frankly I don't want to admit it to myself, but believe me it is hellish.  So I guess I'll recap on what happened in the previous couple of days even though not much has been going on.  
Yeah wtf.

First, on Thursday I had a chem lab where we used AAS (look it up if you actually that interested) to determine  copper concentration in an unknown that we had previously separated using a chromatography column.  The machine was really fancy and cool, but the downside was that only three groups ( out of twelve) were allowed to be up in the ultra-secret-super room at once.  Luckily, by means of a confusing little chutes and ladders game, my partner and I were chosen first.  Basically this story was told to you so I could show you the picture of this crazy alternative to drawing straws that my GSI came up with.
Second, after my lab on Thursday I decided I would attend a Latex (pronounced Laytech or Lahtech) tutorial lecture.  Latex is a program mainly used by scientists and engineers to make their math equations look all nice and fancy when writing formal lab reports.  It's very useful, and I intend to learn it, however this was simply not that time.  The lecture was a) boring and b) full of grad students who were either on facebook or doing some other useless thing with their lives.  It was a waste of time, EXCEPT for the fact that I got to talk to Raku for an hour.  I emailed him saying:  "do you know how to use latex?  I think I remember you saying something about it.  As I'm typing this email I'm currently in a tutorial for it, however it's really awk because I think I'm surrounded by grad students.... supa awk.... " exactly that.  And then he magically appeared online and I had a nice chat with him.  I left about half-way into the tutorial because I was achieving nothing and I had run out of coffee (which has become the new bane of my existence) 

Oh also, the Latex thing was on the top floor (floor 10) of Evans (the math building, and also the building with the most floors out of any building I believe) and I got to get this choice glimpse of the city and the bay as the sun was setting.  The sun gives it kind of an unwanted glare, and I had to take the picture through glass because no one is let out onto the balcony any more because of... well you can guess or look it up.  But yeah this is a pretty awesome view.
Third, and finally, on Friday I got to see Kevin's parents who treated me to dinner at T-rex, a nice BBQ place in Berkeley.  Besides seeing Kevin's parents which was AWESOME (no sarcasm either, Kevin's parents are bosses I love them) the main point of this story is to show you the amazing meal I had which really only one of you will appreciate.
Mmmmm.  The salad was mediocre, but the meat was delicious.
I think that's about it for this week.  Sorry for the short nature of this post, but I really should be studying.  I'm gonna study my ass off to prevent a repeat of my first midterm.  Oh, and things I forgot to include: (I always seem to forget to include stuff and then add it absentmindedly at the end of my posts, sorry about that)  1) I uninstalled all of my video games on my computer last night because I'm trying to be more productive. 2)  I started watching Arrested Development after many recommendations, hoping that now my gaming time will not just change into television time.  3) I went to Challah for Hunger on Thursday which is a community service thing where (surprise surprise) we make Challah for Hunger.  But seriously, we make Challah (Jewish bread if you guys didn't know) that is then sold on Sproul (our quad-equivalent).  I forget exactly the breakdown of profits but I think its 1/2 to Darfur 1/4 back to Challah  and 1/4 to a specific charity that rotates per week.  It was a lot of fun and I intend to continue doing it for the rest of the semester. I got to practice my pretzel making which was fun.

And, now we are done.  Hope all of you have fantastic weeks.  Oh, wait one more thing I forgot.  Except this is more to Ms. T if she is still reading our blog and hasn't gotten tired of it yet.  I was talking to a senior the other day (not in your class, in Sturgeon, but that's beside the point)  and he/she was complaining about Senior Project, and Tara and I (while walking to the library to study E7(we both have three midterms, same ones, this week(side-note, the library closed at 10:00pm wtf why so early(even though it was a Sunday(and before President's day( I'm pretty sure I beat your parentheses record Rich( BAM ))))))) were ranting about how NOTHING in high school compares to how much work there is in college.  So yeah I know you probably already know this considering you've taught for a really long time, but I have now come to the realization that the senior project is (pardon the language) fucking cake compared to anything we have to do in college now. Granted, I put minimal effort into the project and got the grade I deserved.  But yeah, I guess this little blurb has two points. 1) Thank you for being my only teacher senior year who actually tried to challenge me (*Disclaimer* Although partly stabs at my other teachers, This isn't a stab at JWal who is amazing and the nature of the subject just made the class not challenging). And 2) Oh CDM seniors, you're so cute thinking your life is hard. Just wait.  Just wait...

And scene.

Ok, bye everyone, until next week.  <3 your faces.



  1. That meat looks really good. And is that cornbread? Yum yum yummy.
    My roommate made me watch "Arrested Development" back in September. I didn't think it was funny at all, but then again I'm probably not the best person to take TV show recommendations from, because I have that opinion of pretty much all of them.
    Also, thanks for posting immediately after me, thereby ensuring that nobody will ever read my post ever forever ever never.
    Good luck on your midterms. I know you'll do great, cupcake.

  2. Ta muchly, Jason. I wish to quote you, sir. I may perhaps alter it a tad to make it SFW.

    And Derek, I read your post, and so will everyone else. Sheesh.

  3. Of course you can quote me, and I definitely had to look up with SFW meant but yeah probably would want to do that haha.

  4. I know this is totally late and you may not be as self-centered as me and thus may never see this comment. But I'm sorry you had a hellish week. And writing posts early is the opposite of cheating; it makes for (in my experience) better posts and I like better posts. Similarily, I always write my comments as I'm reading the blog so I don't forget my response to anything

    The meat on your plate looks bleky. Not speaking as a vegetarian, speaking as a human being. It really looks like a dinosaur's ribs, so T-rex is a good name. But glad you enjoyed it and mmmm corn bread.

    And I TOTALLY agree about Senior Project. I have two annotated bibliographies due this week alone. Which I haven't started. Lol.
