Thursday, February 9, 2012

My post isn't late, your expectations are just early (It's okay that it doesn't make sense. Trust me, I'm a debater.)

Oh hey . . .

This is awkward. I totally forgot to post yesterday, and obviously you were constantly refreshing the page, waiting in anticipation for my post to be published. Well, I sort of forgot that I was even involved in a blog that I could post to. Not because I was busy or anything (which I currently now am), but just because my minds been a bit frazzled as of late. Also, I'm busy. Onwards? Onwards!

So, my life isn't as interesting as you might think it would be (which is saying a lot, because you don't even think my life is interesting to begin with), so this post might be a little short. Also, I have a debate meeting in an hour and I have shi--stuff to do. So I'm just going to update you on some things that have happened in my life.

1. I dropped my Chemistry course and changed a major (haha, major. Get it?) part of my Environmental Studies concentration. This sentence about changing my ES "concentration" might confuse you because The ES department is different from many other departments in that it has a major (or concentration) within its major. For instance, it has "Environmental Economics" or "Environment in the Visual Arts". So recently I decided I was not particularly happy with studying chemistry and did not want to live my life doing something that I would be bad at (i.e. taking samples and analyzing them. Titration. Scales. Beakers. All the jazz.), so I changed my concentration in ES from ecology to something else (I haven't decided which one yet, but the ones I'm looking at are more social science, culture, artsy kind of things.) We all knew I would go back to the literature-y world, didn't we? Everyone knew Nicole wouldn't be a scientist. JESUS, YOU GUYS, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?  Anyways, because of this change, I decided that the chem class that I was taking for the Ecology Concentration requirement would not be necessary, especially because it was taking up too much time, was not giving my any joy, and also probably would have lowered my GPA in the long run. Also, it was an 8 am. I'm not saying that the fact that it was an 8 am influenced my decision to drop the class, but, I mean, I'm hella insinuating it. So now my first class every day of the week is AT ELEVEN. And on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I technically only have one class (although I still have debate stuff, and other small Chinese obligations). How is this possible? Because I have Chinese every day from 11-12 (also, in a turn of events, Chinese got difficult.), Environment and Culture on Tuesdays/Thursdays from 1:10-2:30, and my Chinese Literature class that is only on Tuesdays from 7:30 pm- 10:30 pm. You might think this means I have a lot of free time on my hands, but YOU WOULD BE WRONG. Which brings me to my next point.

2. I currently have 4 essays, 2 tests, lots of pages of reading and workbook, a Chem lab report I still need to help my old lab members with and a debate tournament to deal with this weekend/upcoming week. I will be debating at Brandeis this weekend with my friend (and esteemed debater) Taylor Blackburn. Well, I mean, I might be, because now she's really really sick and might not be healthy enough by tomorrow to debate with me. But hopefully it all ends up fine and dandy. If not, I can always be a judge or just stay on campus and do some work. But I really want to debate with her, so hopefully I get to. Also, in a sad turn of events, I was not chosen to go to a debate tournament in Chicago even though I was yearning for the ability to go. Alas, we cannot always get what we want. I'm happy for the other debaters who made it, though. They deserved it. Next point? NEXT POINT!

3. I'm, uhh, a vegan now. NOW WAIT, WAIT A SECOND! Before you judge, you must realize that it's because my friend Colin and I were hanging out and he clicked on this link on Facebook. And it brought us to the video that showed ALL OF THE SAD THINGS. You guys, they showed what happened to baby male chicks (thrown into a grinder alive), and just the condition of cows and chickens for dairy products and eggs. And since I cannot choose to eat the organic, free ranged, milk/eggs/cheeses/etc. like I can at home, I've just opted to being a vegan. We'll see how it goes. If I end up fainting and being always exhausted, I'll either make a better effort to get a well-rounded vegan diet or just go back to good ol' vegetarianism. (But I mean, I'm pretty weak to begin with. Fun fact: last night I tried to do a push up and . . . it didn't really happen. And now my arms are super sore today.) So now Colin and I are trying to be vegans. I think I'll outlast him because he's already complaining. Also, I'm hoping this vegan choice will clear up my skin (it's not a pretty sight. SERIOUSLY, BODY, WEREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE GROSS DURING MY HIGHSCHOOL YEARS?) I'm sure that was too much information for you, but I don't care. Also, I'm exaggerating.

Alright, if I think of anything else to say, I'll be sure to come back and edit this post.
Also, I haven't read any of this week's posts yet. So, y'know, "oops".

Ta ta for now,

Nicole Danser

P.S. I won a bet by rooting for the Giants. I WIN.


  1. There's a different horrible video of what happens to pigs in pig farms. But I mean...that's just gold old vegetarianism. Yes, that's a typo, but I like it.

  2. I support you in your veganism. The following link does not:

  3. That should not look like Robot Voice.

  4. Veganism is intense but important! I definitely have aspirations to someday get there. But my university only uses free range, antibiotic free eggs and cows that aren't given hormones and are generally treated well so I feel okay about it for now. My soda intake is what I've been trying to curb, with a large degree of success. Not a perfect record but hey what can you do.

    My face hasn't been TOO gross (relative to normal) but I've grown attractive dark circles under my eyes. My mom's side of the family is prone to it; we have thin under-eye skin. Combined with a collegiate sleeping amount and presto you get my lovely half-moon eye bruises.

    Also the environmental science thing is cool. We have concentrations too. I've decided to take on an Enviro Sci minor. You have to take chem but only two classes and I have credit from APs so it'll be stuff like Geology, Water Resources, etc for me. I'm excited. I should be taking some of those classes next semester and I'll let you know how I like them.

    You're awesome. <3
