Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Whatever is a girl to do?

Oh my, oh dearest me! Wednesday is upon us and I have nothing to talk about at all. Alas, it is not one of those posts where I comment on my lack of things to write about, but then end up ranting about my week for several long, seemingly endless paragraphs. I do not, in fact, have anything of interest to write upon. See if I'm lying after the jump!

No, I wasn't lying to you. I would never lie to you, sweet readers. Last Friday, you see, I got on a shuttle to the Portland Jetport and flew to Chicago, where I quickly boarded another airplane and flew to my beloved home. When I entered my home, I was surprised to find it was under quite a bit of renovation. New things were being put in, and old things were being taken out. There were newly painted walls, plastic covering everything, and, oddly enough, movie montage music. I think the stress of the construction had become so high that the workers thought that the music might inspire some sort of movie magic that would speed up the renovation process. SURPRISE, it took three weeks longer than expected and is still going.

So, what does Nicole do when she is confronted with strangers in her house, changing things and stomping around her rooms? Does she go outside where the sun is shining like she has not seen in the past few months? Does she go to the library or do required homework that is due when she gets back to college? Nay, she holes up on her parent's room and watches copious amounts of televisions shows and trolls the interweb. And therefore, she has NOTHING to talk about this week, that is unless you want my review of the past few weeks of "House", which you do not. So here I am, sitting around, wondering what to write about. I, uhh, got my computer fixed by my friend/computer tech person, Myrna. So, that was a thing. Oh, oh, I know what I can talk about.

Over the past few weeks I've been thinking about college majors and how they do not, in fact, define what we will be doing with the rest of our lives. For instance, as an undergrad my father was a psychology major. What is he now? A business man. Not a good enough example? The lead-man of the construction work on our house was a Biology major with a minor in Chemistry. And Myrna, the computer maintenance woman, was a Sociological Ecology major.  THAT sounds awesome to me, by the way. All the brilliance of the environment with all the wonderfulness of a humanities major. Anyways, the point is that she does not have a job that has to do with her major, just like my father and the construction worker. For all I know, I could be a writer when I grow up. Or a bum. Or whatever. I could easily change my dream or passion due to some heart-changing reason or a decrease of interest in the subject. I just don't know. And that scares me, but it also excites me. Who knows what I'll do in the future? Lets just hope it's something, though. I feel like I might need a job to survive.

Well, that's all I have to say, I suppose. Talk at you later.

- Nicole


  1. Get outside. Now. Just walk around your block once. Let me know when you've done that.

  2. I did what you asked of me. I even went to the park to play on the swings and dance around the four-square court. Now I'm sort of tired.

  3. I approve. You didn't bruise yourself on the seesaw though, did you?

  4. Hahaha. Nay sir, that would be horrible. I would never forgive myself if I inflicted such pain upon myself. Luckily, I'd only blame myself, though.

  5. Haha. Rich, don't try and transpose your desires upon me.

  6. Aww how cute. I love to see the conglomeration of all of us bloggers in the comments of a single post. Congrats, Nicole, on such an accomplishment. And I'm glad you're computer is all better.

    Also, if you are thinking about the whole "major doesn't mean you know what you want to do, because no one wants to do" thing, my dad sent me this article about that sort of thing. Well, I think it's about that. I haven't read much of it yet. Here's the link just in case I didn't totally talk you out of reading it.
