Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I just word vomited so hard on this post.

Alright, kiddies it's time for another game of "Wait...wait...don't tell me (what I did this week)" followed by the game "Actually, tell me because unfortunately my memorization of Chinese characters has pushed out my memories of the past week". Unsurprisingly, the second game is for a rather niche audience. Which is why you're here. Or maybe you're here by accident. Oh no! Did you accidentally think Derek's post was on Wednesday? Well, you can leave now, I will only disappoint you. Onwards? Onwards!

Appreciate how much I gleaned from what I did on Thursday by asking around the library:
On Thursday I woke up at 9:45 after hitting 'snooze' for my 8:30, 8:45, 9:00 and 9:30 alarms. My room mate loves me, you guys. On Thursday the sun was shining, and people were in bathing suits out on the quad. And by "people" I mean my friend Amy was out on the quad smoking and not wearing sunscreen. Anyways, a group of debaters were sitting around so I joined them. We chatted about life, love and Lick It. Then we started talking about rape. And you know it's a good day at Bates when girls only *talk* about being raped. Rape culture, amiright, you guys? But seriously, we were talking about how many girls on debate we thought had been sexually assaulted or raped, and then it got sort of dark because we realized it was probably a good portion of people. ( Then it was time for class. After class, I was walking back to my dorm and noticed the same debaters on the quad, only they had moved about 50 feet. So I spent a few more hours with them until 4:00 when it was debate time. However, not many people were up for debating so Taylor and I, after spending more time with the debaters, went to get dinner. Or at least that's what Amy says. I cannot remember doing that. Once again, all my sources as to what I did on Thursday were just people around me in the Library that I knew.

On Friday, I went to class then went to lunch with my favorites from the Rand floor. We chatted and made sexual jokes (as is the norm when Patrick is around). We then decided that at 7:00 pm we were all going to Olin to watch the "Bates sponsored movie" for the week. It was the second Sherlock Holmes movie (note: the television show Sherlock is a billion times better). Anyways, after lunch I went to my dorm and played my ukulele for way too long until the Randers knocked on my door again and we set out for dinner. While we were talking I said "What if you had to have your floor approve your decisions with a 2/3 majority?". Then we started talking about what types of decisions would be put to the floor (mostly sex things or like "What if they decide you can't go to the bathroom?" Silly Rand kids, girls don't pee. It is of no matter to me.) Finally, I told my dinner mates I was thinking of not being a vegan anymore because I got lightheaded every time I climbed up to my dorm room (veganism: you're doing it wrong). So I put it to a floor vote, and I'm now just a good-ol'-vegetarian again. I wasn't intending it to be a long term thing anyways. I like by-products way too much. But I'm trying to only drink/eat products that I know are from farms that do not abuse their animals. But, YOU GUYS, cake and stuff. Being unhappy is not worth being a vegan. Or, in other words, ANIMALS MUST SUFFER FOR MY GLUTTONY! Ahem.
As, I was saying, I had a non-vegan dessert and then we all headed off to watch Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. It was entertaining enough. After that, I went back to my dorm and played my ukulele once more, making up a song that no one will ever hear because it is an embarrassment to all composers ever, I was going to go to "Lick It", but as many of you readers know, once I hunker down in my room, it takes an army to get me to go outside and do something social. So I went to sleep after I tuckered myself out trying to find my inner musical-genius (spoilers: NO type of genius is to be found inside of Nicole Danser, unless Derek wants to sleep with her. What? Nothing. Uuugh, I know people's parent's read this, but my humor is just too good to be censored. I'm leaving it in! I'M NOT A PART OF YOUR SYSTEM!)

On Saturday, I slept in until I felt like getting up because I thought I didn't actually have that much work to do (Hahahaha. Oh Nicole, you're so very wrong sometimes). So I started doing work when I woke up and then decided "No, no I do not actually want to do this". I therefore ambled over to Commons with my Chinese Literature book in hand so as to put forth the pretext that I was, in fact, working, but had become so famished by my book-learnin' that I needed food. Anyways, I sat down, alone, to eat and then realized that one booth away my friend Matt was sitting alone as well. Being the social butterfly that I am, I moved over to eat with him. We had a delightful chat and talked about Spring Break (in which he has plans and I sort-of-maybe have plans depending on if people like me and invite me places.). I then went home and actually did work until the Rand crew once more coalesced and went to Commons. I had non-vegan food. LIKE CHEESE. REMEMBER CHEESE, YOU GUYS?! I do now. Uneventful things occurred and then we all went back to Rand to get ready for Gala, which is the equivalent of prom, but for college students and faculty. I dressed up in a blue dress which I borrowed (stole is a strong word, Monique) from my sister and then went over to V1 (a building) where the debaters were having fun drinking and thinking. After about an hour we headed over to Gala where I mingled with people and, more importantly, had a killer time on the dance floor with Patrick Tolosky.

Alas, he has a girlfriend, ladies. 

Patrick is probably one of my favorite people at Bates, although I do not spend as much time with him and the Rand crew as I should (I have this awkward problem of having three different friend-groups that do no intermingle at all). But anyways, we spent some time having fun on the dance floor, doing some ultra-swanky Big Band and Swing moves. It actually was a lot like Prom. Except instead of having cookies and playing Catan after the party, I went back to V1 and stayed there until 2:30, where I joked with a very drunk Taylor for a bit. Then Colin, Taylor and I took off and drove (Colin was sober, no worries) to 7-11 where Colin bought cereal and milk (I was informed later that he didn't put the milk in the fridge until like 7pm the next day. Who forgets to refrigerate milk?). Then we hung out for a bit more and I went to sleep. Gala night was probably one of the best nights I've had in a long, long time. I enjoyed myself immensely. But even the best nights have to end. Which leads me to...

Sunday I woke up at 3 pm and knew that I had, perhaps, stayed up too late the night before. Anyways, I spent the day working and then watched the Mad Men premiere with Amy, Amit, Matt, Taylor, Evan, and John. During the show the characters were trying to pitch an ad about beans to their customers and suddenly all of us had a strange craving for beans (product placement in the most obvious of senses. But hey, it worked). So after the show we all danced our way to Milts to see if there were any bean products to consume. Alas, there were not, so I bough a veggie burger and fries. Then we all did dramatic readings of this nordic book John is reading for a class and laughed our butts off. It was hilarious. Also, Amy kept on pretending to be Bjorn and singing "COME TO ICELANDDDDD, A DEMON STEALS YOUR FACE! I AM ON FIRE!!! LET US STEAL YOUR EYES!". So, as you can tell, it was a good night.

On Monday I had lunch with my friends Jack and Owen (Friend group #3: 1st being Debate, 2nd being Rand 3rd floor, 3rd being Jack and co....he was the first good friend I made at college). Jack had just broken up with his girlfriend, so we talked about that for a while. I made insensitive jokes, I think. All in all, a good lunch time. We talked about other things too, but I don't want to bore you any more than I already am. After that, I went back to my dorm and slept from 2-4 instead of working and showering (Parents, at this time you might start to feel alarmed about how I'm probably failing all my classes, but I've only gotten As on my essays and tests, so do not worry. I'm just really awesome at life.) Anyways, then I did that "debate" thing I always tell you about and then went to dinner. Then I came home and studied for my Chinese test (which I aced) until Jack messaged me on Facebook asking if I wanted to go for a walk. I agreed to a jolly jaunt and told him to meet me in Commons. But then when we both got there we were both like "ALKSFALJS WHY IS IT SO WINDY OUT?!?! WE CANNOT GO OUTSIDE OR WE WILL DIE!". So instead we got food and ran into Owen and Jordan at a table in commons. Thus began a hilarious conversation in which I choked on my coffee and had to spit it back into the mug because I was laughing so hard (It was a pretty sight). Then we went to the library to find a book we wanted to read. However, we were sort of loud and obnoxious about it. A librarian told us to keep it down (Like in the movies, you guys!) After we found the book, we went back to Jack's dorm which is FILLED with posters, decorated with lights, and plastered with post-its that have quotes from Jack and his roommates on them (They call it the Busch cave because of the beer. But the fact that it can be a homophone makes me skeptical of it's actually intended meaning). They also have giant speakers to blast their indie music on (my group #3 friends are really, really into good music and books. They  loves them some learnin'). I then went back home at 10:30 and went to sleep.

I woke up at 9, did some studying for my Chinese test, took my Chinese test that TOOK FOREVER TO FINISH (spoilers: I got an A) and then had lunch. I then had my Environmental class, had a moment of "What am I going to do with my life? What job can I get that will make me happy? Why am I not good at anything?" but then played my ukulele and calmed down. Then I watched the movie "Wasteland" for my environmental class, ate dinner alone (this happens more often than you'd expect) and then went to my Chinese Literature class where I sat for three hours and then got my paper back (A!). Then I was assigned 4 essays. Woo, college.

Today I woke up at 8:30, went to breakfast and met up with Colin to eat and then go to the library, where Amy and Taylor joined us. I then went to Chinese, had lunch with my Jack and co. group of friends, and then went back to the library to have some lols with Amy and Taylor. At 2:30 I went to my Chinese T.A. Session where my friend ( I think I can call him my friend) Jake sat and watched me speak Chinese to my T.A. (he made fun of me, but it's okay because I made fun of him in Chinese back). Then I came back to the library (where I currently am) to finish off this blog post which I have been writing for way too long. I need to be at debate in 7 minutes and Colin's stuff is still in the conference room with me. I feel bad leaving it here because there have been some recent laptop thefts, but I need to go to debate. Also, I have to use the restroom. Too much information? Maybe. But I'm keeping it in.

Update: After I posted this, uhhh, post (Excellent word choice, Nicole!) I actually had a stellar hour long conversation with my sister over Facebook where we talked about pretty much our entire future, including our summer plans to what we're going to do for a living and how we don't want to get married or have kids. Yay, extinction of the Danser/Moore genetic line! Anyways, Monique re-instilled my faith in my life, how I'm going to enjoy my work while also traveling the world, and how awesome summer is going to be (Like how we're going to Hawaii, Lake Tahoe, and Vidcon. And how we're going to hang out at her apartment in LA all the time and go to Huntington Beach. Also, I want to go up to San Francisco to visit my friend Taylor or go to Salt Lake to see Jack). We also just bonded with words like us savvy writers do sometimes. 

Your chum,



  1. 1. This post was absolutely amazing and better than many of Derek's post so good on you Nicole. It also makes me feel like shit for not posting AGAIN this week... so good on you Nicole? Well, on to point
    2. That picture of you is by far my favorite picture I have ever ever ever ever ever ever ever, I literally would be here all day if I was to type the ever's out, seen of you. It is amazing and my face was perpetually cracked into the most wicked grin throughout reading this entire post. I love you and miss your witty-ness. Why can't we have the same Spring break!? Or maybe you would just ditch me like Derek did. Whatever, I still love you. But seriously. That picture. I honestly am going to print it out and hang it on my wall. No joke. Yes, I'm that creepy and weird.



  2. Jason, I was feeling a little down. But your post made me so so so (I literally would be here all day if I were to type the "so"s out) happy. Thank you so much, you flatter me to no end. I miss and love you too. I miss all of you. I cannot wait for summer to roll around. We're going to spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME TOGETHER. Deal? Deal! Also, you better print that picture out now that you've told me you want to. THE THINGS YOU SAY ON THE INTERNET ARE BINDING CONTRACTS.



  3. Printed Out. Will soon grace my Berkeley dorm wall. Also, YESSSS WE WILL HANG OUT OVER SUMMER. Perhaps have reading orgy's in a variety of beds across all of Newport. If you're up to the challenge... Oh and maybe some Neopets on lonely Friday nights? I hear one of my friends finds that fun...

  4. Okay so my long, in depth comment disappeared when I went to post it. Argh, library computer with its secret inner workings. I will recall it to the best of my ability...

    Firstly, your Derek sex joke reveals an important thing about you: the only thing stopping you from sleeping with Derek is whether or not he wants to. Thanks god THAT'S finally going to happen.

    I wish I had the awkward problem of having three group of friends. My awkward problem is that all my friends are from high school and are hundreds or thousands of miles away.

    I agree with Jason that this was an excellent post. I liked the style, and despite you not remembering your week, it seems like a good one. Congrats. Hopefully sometime soon you'll be able to catch up on what your blog friends are doing because I miss hearing from you on my posts. Have you seen the Hunger Games yet?

  5. Thanks, rae! I have NOT seen the hunger games yet, no. I've heard that it's pretty good so I look forward to seeing it at some point in my life. The books sort of made me want to learn which plants are good for eating, how to build a fort/climb things, and then learn archery.

    But then I remembered I don't go outside or do things. So yeah.
