Monday, November 26, 2012

Harry Potter Obsession Continues

You may have noticed that today is Tuesday.  I have also noticed that.  Somehow last night at 2 in the morning, I forgot that I was supposed to post.  I remembered earlier in the day, but I was busy having five hours of class and going to meetings and completing fun research (oxymoron if I ever saw one, except in those cases where “research” is a euphemism for facebook stalking).

That sounds really whiney, I don’t mean for it to.  I just want you guys to know I’m still dedicated to this blog, just that some things got in the way yesterday.  Let me talk about what’s up with me, because I’m sure you’re going through withdrawls from wondering what I’ve been up to.  And I was up late (2 is very late for me on a school night before an 8:55 class) because it was my first APO executive board meeting as incoming Treasurer.  It was exciting!

My brother came to visit two Saturdays ago, as I told you in the last post.  My dad flew in on Monday afternoon, and after visiting Dad’s cousins in Baltimore (the same cousins Shane and I visited a couple weeks ago), we made our way down to South Carolina, where my paternal grandparents live.

I couldn’t get my hands on the second Harry Potter before I left, because our library closed early before Thanksgiving and I didn’t plan ahead (seems to be a trend, I know), so once I was down there I looked around for something to read, since there was some down time.  I saw The Audacity of Hope, which was exciting, but since it was an audiobook, I kept looking.  It was a drop of liberal water in a sea of conservative sludge.  Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Glenn Beck were among my other options.  We were subject to Fox News, to say the least.

But guess what?  I don’t hold it against them.  I think we’re all well-meaning people who want things to get better.  I don’t think they’re the type to “root against” gay people or poor people, and for me, social issues are my big liberal push.  Don’t get me started on that, though, because you’ve already heard it all.  I would make a good president, blah blah.

It was a relaxing break that included a church theater experience, because my grandpa’s step-granddaughter was dancing in it.  I won’t give you any more information than this: the following live animals were featured: goats, sheep, a donkey, a horse, and a CAMEL.  Amazing!  The stage after the show was littered with what I can only imagine is the sheep’s opinion of Christianity.  Just kidding.  Oh wait, it was a sheep, so I guess I’m lambing.  Kidding would be appropriate had it been goat poop.

Anyway, I finished my scarf and a Harry Potter cowl (Woo!) and my dad bought three balls of multicolored red-orange-pink-burgundy yarn.  It was on sale, so it doesn’t count!

Miss you guys and looking forward to hanging out soon.  Jason, you got me that Cha tea and I don’t have a tea ball, so we should all hang out and drink it.  Sorry for stealing your blog’s thunder by posting on the same day.

Until next week.


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