Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I always think "WED-NES-DAY" in my head when I write Wednesday (like just now)

Today I'm just going to write a list of thoughts because you can't stop me and I don't feel like doing anything else. Also, doesn't it sound like such fun!?

1. I made a couple of new Bates friends at the airport because we all decided to share a cab. It was nice and we ended up eating Mother India take-out together with my friends Pernilla and Pat as well. Also, cab fare was cheap so that's nice.

2. I've noticed that when I'm in project groups or just before class starts with people I don't really know, I really turn on the charm and make a lot of jokes. I  feel like strangers and my family are the two groups of people who appreciate my sense of humor the most. Which is odd. I'm probably wrong. Doesn't matter, either way I still think I'm hilaaaaaarious.

3. The people in the Bates Authors Guild with me are excellent poem finders. Last meeting they read some really deep and funny poems that I immediately found on the internet and bookmarked so I could read them again.

4. I finished my 10 page rough draft of poetry for my "Reading and Writing Poetry" final and I find that the poems that I write which are about my most deeply-felt feelings are a lot messier and poorly written than the ones about other topics. I think it's because I'm trying to infuse and smash all of my thoughts, feelings and emotions into that one poem so I can accurately describe how the certain subject affects me, and it ends up getting clogged and excessively wordy. I'm going to work on that. They're still my favorite poems to write though!

5. I think I need to take a break from egg salad. I over dosed.

6. There's this boy in debate who is constantly being odd, sexistly flirty and sexistly sexist to me and he tells me he loves me almost every time we see each other. He also finds really weird ways to squeeze in the fact that he thinks I'm pretty into conversations we're having (and other people are always around talking with us when he does this too). It's sort of weird.

7. Secret Santa exchange is on. I got my person today and the gifts are due on Saturday with a five dollar cap. I FEEL RESTRICTED WITH SO LITTLE TIME AND CASH. To the bookstore?! Or Amazon?

8. How do you guys feel about the fact that "nonplussed" means both unperturbed AND confused because people kept on using it incorrectly and so now it's taken on both meanings?

9. One of my status updates on facebook about changing my Microsoft Word default to Times New Roman 12 point got 30 likes (if you count me liking it, which I didn't. But I really like round numbers and no one else is liking it. Please RICH OR JASON SAVE ME FROM THIS MADNESS). Anyways, I'm really proud of the post even though it's sort of a shallow thing to be excited about "likes" on Facebook. Sue me (don't actually, I'm saving up to travel the world! Or that's my dream, at least).

10. It sort of snowed today and I sat in the third floor window overlooking the field and walkways in front of our dining hall drinking English Breakfast tea in my warm and comfy clothing. It was only for about 8 minutes because I had a meeting with my Chinese teacher, but it was a highlight of my day.

11. Did you guys know Adventure Time takes place on Earth post-apocalypse and there are a lot of Easter Eggs in the show alluding to it? I didn't. It's fantastic!

12. I'm always afraid to date someone and just "give it a go" because I'm afraid it won't work out and we won't click right and then I'll try it again and again and again, and I'll just have a string of broken friendships and short relationships and everyone will think I'm bad at people and no one will ever want to date me again because I'll be seen as this weird floozy who can't keep a man or gets bored of guys easily. But mostly I'm just not into anyone right now. So that was personal.

13. Do YOU remember the taste of strawberries?

14. What do you call a candy that freshens your breath when it's placed on a prophylactic?

A condommint. Get it? because it sounds like condiment? I made it up myself because one of the debaters made a joke that if anyone has him for secret santa they should buy him condoms because he's afraid to do it himself. Poor guy?

15. I want to write more poetry and play my ukulele more. And adventure more. And spend more time with my friends and drink more tea and GET MY GOSH DARN SD CARD IN THE MAIL SO I CAN TAKE PHOTOS WITH MY CAMERA.

16. I really like my new clothing and boots I got for "early-Christmas-because-we're-not-going-to-wait-for-the-25th-to-enjoy-things-we-need-and-want", a new family tradition.

17. I want to read more.

18. I'm not stressed yet about Finals which is good! Although my professor expects us to read 250 pages of an entirely new book by next week which technically hasn't been assigned yet but I should start reading but SERIOUSLY PROFESSOR? We should be REVIEWING or something, not gaining so much more information to learn about. Well, I mean, I guess it's fair. I take it back.

19. I'm quite happy at the moment.

20. I like you guys a lot.


  1. I really like this blog post format. It's concise and easy to read. I imagine it's easier to write, too. Also, it makes responding to your post easier. Like so:

    3. Care to share?

    6. That's Step 4 of the 9 Phases of Nicole Infatuation. He'll get over it in about a month, two if he's a slow learner.

    9. How on Earth is that possible? (I don't mean getting 29 likes. I mean changing your default font.)

    12. Trust your own judgement. If you think it's a good idea, it's a good idea. If you don't, it's not.

    13. No, Sam, I can't recall the taste of food. Nor the sound of water. Or the touch of grass. I'm naked in the dark. There's nothing, no veil, between me and the way of fire! I can see him, with my waking eye!

    20. So do we. (And I guess we like you too.)

  2. 3. Here are some of the poems:
    (it's under "the best answer" haha...)

    6. I still am on step 4 too. I have been for 19 1/2 years. Also, name all the steps. NOW. I don't care if you make them up I want to hear them.

    9. Go to the little square box with the arrow pointing diagonally down and to the right. The little box is in the "Font" section and can be found underneath the "shrink font" button. Then change the font to your preferred...preferences and then press the "set as default" button in the lower left corner. Then accept the pop up box ones you change the answer to "All documents based on the Normal template". THEN BE SO RELIEVED YOU NEVER HAVE TO SEE CALIBRI 11 POINT FONT AGAIN.

    12. Haha okay. Spinster life for me. Just kidding, we will be wed one day. WE WILL BE WED.

    13. I believe Sam's next line was "Oh dat's hella dank, yo. You need some mad alch to clear out dat messed up thinkin'!" Ah, Tolkien, a wordsmith of epic proportions.

    20. I see what you did there.

  3. 1. New friends are cool, especially ones made at airports. On my way back to Berkeley I was with some CDM-sters and they were all gung ho about taking a shuttle that would get back to Berkeley quicker than the more common (Bart) means of transportation that costed over three times as much. I was not about to spend that much money when a cheaper alternative was available and it reminded me of the mindset of the community that we grew up in and I got sad. As Rachael would say, rant over. Also, being the social butterfly I am I was able to get a free ride back with a friend. Woo.
    3N. I liked poems 1, 2, and 4. Thank you.
    4. Ditto
    6D. I tip my hat to you good sir.
    6N. Can the last one be, "I desire sweeter meats?"
    8. I like it when words have multiple meanings.
    12. Ditto
    13D. Better take your allergy medication.

  4. 3N. "Any Morning" is very Nicole. I like it. I really didn't like the style "Failing and Flying" was written in, but the message was such that it was still my favorite of the four poems. "no assistance" was funny, but my fourth favorite of these four. "A Sonnet of Invented Memories" is definitely the best of the four poems. "Failing and Flying" is my favorite, but "Sonnet" is the best. (Stating opinion as fact, sorry.)

    6N. For what it's worth, I don't buy for a second that you've been on Step 4 for 19.5 years.
    1) Discovery - She's funny and nice and playful and (don't tell her 'cause she'll think you're shallow) cute.
    2) Casual Dismissal - So was the last girl you liked. So are lots of girls.
    3) Realization - Not like her, though.
    4) Trying - Constantly being odd, sexistly flirty and sexistly sexist to her, and telling her you love her almost every time you see her. Also finding really weird ways to squeeze in the fact that you think she's pretty into conversations you're having (and other people are always around talking with you when you do this too). It's sort of weird.
    5) Smartening Up - Changing tactics once you realize she doesn't really like that. Say less, but when you do say something, make it clever.
    6) Really Smartening Up - Say a little bit more than you did in (5), less than you did in (4), but when you say something, make it honest.
    7) Patience - Waiting a year and a half. Being content with friendship. Making her laugh when she should be paying attention in Art History.
    8) The Push - Don't tell her anything explicitly. But make sure she knows.
    9) Endgame - You've done all you can. Now it's up to her.
    Epilogue: Moving On.

    6J. No, no. Sweeter meats comes about eighteen months before even Step One. (I really hope Rich reads this, ever.)

    13J. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. You are so on point. I love it.

  5. 3D (haha 3D...)I'm extremely pleased that you think "Any Morning" is very "me". It makes me happy. I hope it's "me", because it sounds wonderful. I like all of the poems. I LOVE POETRY.

    6D. I don't even know how to put into words how much I love these Stages of Nicole Infatuation. Derek, you are possibly the funniest and sweetest human being on earth. Here's my stages of Derek Infatuation. Ready?

    1) Realization- He's perfect
    2) There is no step two

    There's always the alternative steps though

    1)Be an idiot and not realize it.

    13Ja&D: It's...It's because you're allergic to strawberries, right, Derek? RIGHT?!
