Monday, November 5, 2012

Tired at 9 PM? I’m an Old Lady.

I hate self portraits like this because they are inherently narcissistic, but I haven't done anything cool enough since Saturday to have a real picture of myself with red hair
I have red hair!  Kind of.  It ended up being more of a tint than a full dye, because I didn't use bleach.  The front is the red-ist.  Also I’m already tired.  I think it’s from staying up late doing research… last Wednesday night.  Because I went to bed at 11:45 last night, the earliest this year.

Listen to this if you feel like sad, popular music.  Scroll to the bottom if you feel like sad, classical music.  

It’s funny when I talk to my parents and they’re like “It’s like 10:30, aren’t you going to bed soon?”  I don’t know if people went to bed earlier in the Jurassic Period or if their memories are fading.  And yes, I am the first one to make a joke about ancient parents.  Sorry, my humor has taken a nosedive since I discovered I can make my friends laugh by saying “boobs.”  Even if I use that joke 10 times a day.

The rest of my post is unrelated paragraphs; I apologize in advance.

I recently discovered Spotify and I love it.  It’s like Pandora but you get to pick all the music.  Unfortunately, my computer cannot handle video or Spotify very well, it turns out.  So it freezes relatively often considering that I expect technology to work perfectly.

This morning it was 42 degrees here, and I looked at my iPhone weather app and the high for Newport was 89.  As in 2x + 5, when x = temperature in D.C.  How I wish I was enjoying a Cha there instead of brewing hot tea to make it through my brisk fall day here.  I miss home, even though this semester has been successful.  Too bad I’m not going home for Thanksgiving; it’d be good to see you guys.  Someone visit me on their spring break or else.

Do you guys have favorite quotes from songs?  I want to qualify it by saying songs, otherwise I’ll get 100 LoTR references from Derek.  I really like Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” for its lyrics; “We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year” and “Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?”  Anyway, they don’t seem as cool just written down, but I like them.

Tomorrow is the election!!  I cannot even believe it.  I will be really sad if Romney wins, and not for “political” reasons or liberal ideas as much as genuine fear of being a woman under crazy conservative rule—abortion and birth control and health care are not things that should be under debate in the 21st century.  Anyway, I’ve kept my politics off of this blog because I know we don’t all agree.  And it’s too late for you guys to vote anyway.  So don’t worry about it.

Regardless, I predicted Romney would be the Republican nominee on this blog in March , and I know Obama will win.  I have to say that for my own peace of mind.  And I think it’s right.  And I’m maintaining my sense of un-cynicism for as long as possible.

There are so many songs I want to share with you guys.  But the blog doesn’t take very long to read!!  What a dilemma.  Anyway, some of you may have chosen to listen to Harry Connick, Jr's "Danny Boy" when given the option at the top.  Hope you like it.

Sorry I didn't have a lot to talk about.  The advice column is going well? (:


P.S. I'm applying for an internship!  Hopefully it goes well.


  1. Every time you bring up the weather I find myself overcome with the urge to one-up you. So here it goes: When I left my dorm at 9:00 this morning (so the sun had already been up for a few hours), it was 25˚F.
    Sorry. I know 42 is still not warm. Perhaps you will forgive my cold-elitism (I don't know what else to call it) in light of the fact that I am not going to list 100 LotR quotes. I can give you a favorite song quote, if that's what you're asking for. How about this, from Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man":

    Then take me disappearin’ through the smoke rings of my mind
    Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves
    The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach
    Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
    Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free
    Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands
    With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves
    Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

    I feel your pain about computer issues. Not Spotify specifically, because I don't have that, but just computer stuff in general. I guess you know that already though.

    Also, that band "Fun" is apparently playing at Middlebury in a few months. So I may (but very well may not) have something to say about them, in a few months.

  2. It was 36 today. You still beat me by 11 degrees, however. No one with basic math skills can deny that.

    It would be cool for you to see Fun (or as they spell it, "fun."). Having watched a few recordings of them live, I think the singer may rely on some autotune, but hey, a concert's a concert. Whatever that means.
