Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm a Wood Elf. What are you?

So there really isn't much to talk about this week.  It was wonderful to see all of you over break, and I can't wait to hang out even more over winter break in three weeks.  I'm going to keep this post short for a couple of reasons.  One, like I said I don't really have much to talk about because I've only been at Berkeley for a few days and the rest of the time was just hanging with family back in Newport.  Two, the one thing I have been doing over the past few days (and during break) is playing Skyrim.  This game is sooooooo much fun.  It's ridiculously addicting and I probably shouldn't have got it right before my finals but whatever, I can slay dragons. And lastly, I have finals coming up as I'm sure you all do and thus I want as much time as possible composing myself mentally and leveling up my chem, math and astro skills (too much Skyrim for sure).

I think this might be the smallest post ever (lolzwait no Rich wins for his nonexistent post) but yeah I really don't have much to talk about.  It turns out my lab partner's best friend is Delara's suite-mate.  Small world it is.  Small world...  Also, my astronomy professor made a funny.  He was talking about the unification of the known four forces and said, "One force to rule them all, one force to find them, one force to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."  It was pretty epic, and I saw the opportunity for the joke coming a mile away and I'm glad he owned up to it and made it.  That's 2/4 professors now that have made LOTR jokes.  Beat that private schools.

Love you all,


P.S. I always come up with a title after I write my post.  I was thinking of what to make my title, when I realized I finally understood the meaning of your title Rich (Fus Ro Dah).  That's a pretty epic title.



Monday, November 28, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Home is Where the Fart Is

Hello, all.  Devin and I are at my grandma’s in San Diego (well, Poway… yes, Derek, I encourage you to look at it on a map).  He took the train here today so he could spend Thanksgiving with his family, and we played a lot of cards today.

Started crocheting my next project… a baby blanket!  I’m excited.  None of you were especially impressed with the hat so I won’t elaborate too much, but I’m making a baby blanket for my friend Amber who’s having a baby in January.  She’s the one I work with who I told some of you was considering naming her kid Emma Rae, after me, sort of.  The Rae part that is.  But now she’s considering Tara and Brooklynn, each with the middle name Rose, now that she knows it’s a girl.  Regardless, the blanket takes three different yarns, and I picked pink, green, and yarn that cycles through a rainbow of baby colors.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Home is where the PIE IS.

Hello dear readers,

My week has been fairly interesting, I would say. However, these past few days have been pretty average due to the fact that most of my time has been spent writing a paper, doing homework and watching tv shows stored up on my DVR. But Wednesday and Thursday were sort of interesting. So let us start there.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An Entire Week to Remember

So I have a lot to talk about in this blog, and thus I will be all about efficiency.  So without further ado:
And that is the cute picture of the week!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Well, I'm Back

I have every intention of keeping this post, like its Samwisian title, relatively brief, and this is because I have every intention plus some extra ones of seeing all of you in the coming days. First off, though, I'd like to draw your attention to the 'stats' page on our blog. It came as a bit of a surprise to me that people have viewed our blog from so many countries, and I feel we've left out our foreign friends. So to our eight Latvian viewers I say sveiki, to our two Brazilian viewers I say ola, to our pair of Danish viewers I say hej, and did you know I'm half Danish? Most importantly, to our whopping 93 visitors from Russia, I'd like to say Ovechkin sucks.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Home Soon

             This week I had a wake-up call.  It was as powerful and over-caffeinated as the last drops of my Sweet & Spicy tea when I let it steep for too long.  It was because of this scholarship essay I wrote, I guess: this blog really matters to me, and you guys really matter to me.  I should put more effort into my blog posts.  We should see each other over Thanksgiving break.  Now onto our regularly-scheduled programming.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


EDIT: FULL POST COMPLETE.  I have a rehearsal coming up in a few minutes, so I can't do a full post in time, but I'll be back before midnight!  Let me just give you a quick synopsis if you wanted to go to bed at a reasonable hour/live on the least coast.
1. This play is stressful
3. I'm really excited for Thanksgiving
4. I miss you guys.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'll create a title later . . .

I cannot deny it any longer, dear friends. I must speak the truth, and I must speak it now.
 Or maybe later . . .NO, now! You have a right to know.
Right . . . NOW.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Monday night:  I wonder what I'm going to write about on the blog tomorrow....  I already have the cute picture of the week chosen, and I guess I can talk about my initiation, but I don't think many will care about that... Hmm... I'll figure it out tomorrow.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Now Dawn the yellow-robed scattered all over the earth.

There shouldn't have been anything particularly surprising about the alarm going off at 5:00; after all, I did set it to do exactly that, but then that's never stopped me from being surprised. No matter how much you want to accomplish something that necessitates an early wake-up, you never really want to actually do the waking up. But you all know this. What you do not know, however, are the specific circumstances surrounding this particular Saturday morning, and I am here to rectify that deplorable situation.

Friday, November 11, 2011

(Crochet) Hookah, please!

Tonight is the night for hot chocolate, the Kevinly blanket, and a good book.  Instead I have nothing to drink, a crochet hook, and “Roman Holiday” (an Audrey Hepburn classic).  But hello!  It was a long, interesting week.

If there had been a time lapse camera following me around this week, there’d be a lot of careful ins and outs and ins and outs of tiny crochet stitches, usually under Devin's careful watch.  This week that was my project.  Perhaps that’s an awfully domestic thing to learn, awfully feminine, but it’s also useful!  I’m almost done with a hat.  Next I want to make a blanket, but that takes a lot of time, and I don’t actually know what I’m doing.

Thursday, November 10, 2011



Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dances, Debates and Ann Gray

Imagine you are in a public place like the quad outside the library or in one of your college's buildings just having a nice time. It's possible that you are standing around hanging with friends. You could also be alone. Suddenly a man you have never met before gets behind you and starts pressing his pelvis against you repeatedly. This seems inherently wrong, no? It can be classified as sexual assault or at least harassment, especially if you tell him to back off and then he just comes back a few minutes later to try again. There is definitely something perverse about this situation, and I would hope you all would agree.
Now my question is: Why does adding music to this situation make it socially acceptable? Friends, I am talking about college dances. These profoundly confusing events are quite different from high school in one aspect. In high school, if you choose to get hot and heavy on the dance floor, it is with someone you know. It is consensual. It is still creepy, but I digress. Here at college, males just prowl through the masses of dancing students, single out females, and then exert their will upon them.

This issue has forced females who attend dances to create a system of defense. The girls must dance in groups together, staying close to one another in order to defend themselves against the men. It's almost like how animals move in a pack to protect themselves against their predators. In the female's system of protection seen at dances, they dance fairly close together, and it often could be seen as intimate if it weren't for the fact that the reason they do this is  the "stalking" males cannot.

Monday, November 7, 2011

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to put on a warm coat and walk into the middle of a cornfield and spend the night there? Well, I have . . .
Note: I didn't actually spend the night in a cornfield, which would have been very difficult this time of year considering the harvest has come and gone, but I think it would be kinda fun. But maybe I'm just weird. Yeah, that's probably it. Does anyone remember that cornfield you have to run through in Left 4 Dead 2? That was fun. And this isn't the last reference to zombie video games in this post.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Sea in Storm, a Night with No Moon, and a Concrete Owl

Hello everyone.  I apologize for essentially dropping off the face of the Earth till now.  I had a semi-shitty week, and realized at 2 AM on Friday that I only had -2 hours to post.  So yeah.  Anyway. EDIT: I wrote this intro before something cool happened just now.  I promise only about 1/15th of this post is pissy.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Skype cannot replace hugs. I miss my boy.

9:30 AM EST: I'm in class and I am not paying attention and I was looking forward to Rich's post. )=

3:21 PM EST: Everytime you check the blog something will be different!  Right now I am adding this Little Bee quote about tea because Jason and I miss tea!  Backstory: She is a Nigerian refugee talking to someone from Britain.
“Tea is the taste of my land: it is bitter and warm, strong, and sharp with memory.  It tastes of longing.  It tastes of the distance between where you are and where you come from.  Also it vanishes- the taste of it vanishes from your tongue while your lips are still hot from the cup.  It disappears, like plantations stretching up into the mist.  I have heard that your country drinks more tea than any other.  How sad that must make you -like children who long for absent mothers.  I am sorry.” (emphasis mine)

All this tea talk makes me want to call my Mom!
I love that: "like children who long for absent mothers".  Has tea ever made you feel that way? Me neither, but it's a beautiful image.  I highly recommend the book.  And to clear something up: Nicole said it's no Middlesex, which is no Name of the Wind.  I haven't read Name of the Wind and I know I won't convince anyone who's read it, but I'd assert that Middlesex is better than Name of the Wind.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What is this white powder on the ground?

It's Wednesday! Known to many as hump day! Hump in this case is a noun. Calm down. Don't mount your nearest classmate. Well, I mean, you can. But I would advise against it.

So the week before last week was break. And I didn't talk about it because I was too busy being a college student who scheduled things poorly. But do not fret! I will let you in on a little secret. All I did was sleep, consume massive amounts of food, and watch "Doctor Who", "A Very Potter Sequel", "Easy A" and this show called "The Misfits" with my friend Victoria. That's right, Rachael. We watched "Easy A". I thought of you giggling the entire time. 

Anyways, that was my break. Now let us look back upon last Thursday, where I spent the entire day, when not going to classes, working on my reading for Chemistry and meeting with my Lab group to work on our lab (surprise, surprise). I was so busy that I didn't have time for dinner. Yay! My new diet plan: always be working. Alright, that was the boring part of the week. Now onto FRIDAY!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 26th. Cha for Tea. Be there or be square.

I don't know what I really want to talk about this week.  I swear this isn't like a follow the leader thing where all I do is imitate whatever Derek's post is about.  I just really have no extra special things to talk about this week. After typing up that last sentence I made what Favio now refers to as my duckface.  Apparently whenever I relate something that is sad or disappointing I make a "duckface" frown of sorts.  I tried looking up duckface on google images to find a picture in case you wanted some help visualizing this but the images were...less satisfactory than what I was looking for.  My duckface is definitely more of a frown, not whatever those people are doing.  At least I hope its not...