Friday, November 25, 2011

Home is Where the Fart Is

Hello, all.  Devin and I are at my grandma’s in San Diego (well, Poway… yes, Derek, I encourage you to look at it on a map).  He took the train here today so he could spend Thanksgiving with his family, and we played a lot of cards today.

Started crocheting my next project… a baby blanket!  I’m excited.  None of you were especially impressed with the hat so I won’t elaborate too much, but I’m making a baby blanket for my friend Amber who’s having a baby in January.  She’s the one I work with who I told some of you was considering naming her kid Emma Rae, after me, sort of.  The Rae part that is.  But now she’s considering Tara and Brooklynn, each with the middle name Rose, now that she knows it’s a girl.  Regardless, the blanket takes three different yarns, and I picked pink, green, and yarn that cycles through a rainbow of baby colors.

Chloe & me...
Tomorrow, I get to meet up with my dad’s family for whatever post-Thanksgiving should be called, and my cousin is bringing HER baby, Chloe, who is sooooo sweet and adorable and gives me general baby fever.  I have to wait fifteen years but I want one to play with now!

Part 2
This past week has been super packed for me, and it’s been great to be home and see you guys.

I got home Saturday night at 8:25 PM PST into Long Beach and saw Devin and it was insanely amazing.  We hadn’t seen each other in ninety-one days, besides on Skype, and maybe Derek could put it into words how awesome it was but it was too awesome for me to explain.  You know all those clichés people use that don’t make sense, with the world stopping and electricity and this and that?  They all made sense on Saturday night.

On Sunday we drove home and my car broke down in the attempt.  On.  The.  Freeway.  Which was scary.  And not fun.  But we survived, so that’s good.  And it was rainy.  I was still in the far right lane but I had to coast off the freeway without an engine, and into a parking lot.  Anyway, I got my mom’s car and we made it home, not without a hydroplaning experience and miserable rainy driving.

Monday I got to go on a bike ride with my dad and Maggie, just around the Back Bay.  My stepmom is training for a triathlon (awesome) so the second we got back she changed back into running shoes and went back out (less awesome).

On Tuesday, Derek, Nicole and I saw Mayberry, Christensen, Walters, and Topping, in that order.   More importantly and less socially, I watched Princess Bride for the second time since we started our blog, with Devin and my dad.  And I’m reading the book as we speak.  Yes, I’m obsessed with the story.  If you like the movie and have spare time (yeah, right), the book’s been abridged by the guy who wrote the screenplay.  Normally I don’t approve of abridgements, but trust me, he did us all a favor.

Wednesday, I went on a mountain bike ride with part of our high school mountain bike team.  We have some annoying ninth graders but at least we have kids riding.  Then I celebrated Devin’s birthday with him, before we got cha.  I gave him some presents and we went to Islands and UCI theater to see that bad movie, “Like Crazy”.

Yesterday was turkey day!

And today was what we already talked about.  We’ve come full circle.  Thanks to Jason for reminding me to post.  Thanks to everyone for whatever good things you’ve done this week.

Lots of love,




  1. Are you insinuating that I'd need to look on a map to know where Poway is? Pfft.
    Anyways, this little vacation was nice, but not nice enough. Need to spend more time with all of you next month. Looking forward to it.

  2. Agreed-- I want another Utah-esqe reading party, and some outlandish movie marathon, and whatever else people want to do besides go home.

    Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. I like Poway. It is a good place to hike or mountain bike and has been, for me, the jumping point to make it to Ocotillo Wells.
