Thursday, November 17, 2011


EDIT: FULL POST COMPLETE.  I have a rehearsal coming up in a few minutes, so I can't do a full post in time, but I'll be back before midnight!  Let me just give you a quick synopsis if you wanted to go to bed at a reasonable hour/live on the least coast.
1. This play is stressful
3. I'm really excited for Thanksgiving
4. I miss you guys.

Okay so I didn't make it back in time.  I lied to you all.  Oh well.

FRIDAY LAST: Okay so yeah.  Iunno I went to class but THEN I GOT SKYRIM OH MY HOLY JESUS.  This game is the most fun.  OF ALL THINGS.  Like...okay I'm not going to gush about this forever cause odds are most of you don't care, but let me say that I usually spend time in the common room.  And by spend time, I mean I only sleep in my room.  I like to be in there.  It's fun to talk to people. I also like to go on facebook, read this blog, etc.  I haven't done ANY of that since Friday.  I don't go in the common room.  I read this blog, of course, but other than that, almost no computer.  I just play Skyrim.  And you'd think, "Wow Rich, that's really anti-social.  I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW LAME YOU ARE."  And normally, you'd be right.  But here's the thing--this game is so fun to play that it's fun to watch.  I can attest to this--I'll watch other people playing.  And when I play, inevitably there are 6 other people sitting on my bed or various chairs watching me play.  And scream at the screen.  This game is so fun that people have files on my Xbox so that while I'm at class, they can play.  Okay.  Got that out of my system.  So I got Skyrim and played it for about an hour between classes, then had a performance of Iphigenia, then came back and played Skyrim till like 4:30.  Then finally finished Wise Man's Fear.  Now I'm starting East of Eden, but I'm not to far along considering...Skyrim.

SATURDAY LAST: So I wake up at like 9, and have a 1500 word paper to write.  About a bunch of books that I didn't like.  So that was cool.  I wrote it on the balcony cause that's where all of my good thinking happens.  But anyhow, I get halfway through writing about one prompt and then realize that I actually have an opinion on another one, so I scrap that whole paper and write the other one.  Finish with time to spare.  Annnnyyyy way played Skyrim for an hour, final Iphigenia performance, struck Iphigenia, and then played the FUCK out of Skyrim.

SUNDAY LAST: Yeah I just slept 'till 1, then went to a Magic draft with the new set.  It's a super cool set.  We each got three packs and played three two-out-of-three games.  Before it started, Ted jokingly traded me a pack with a warrior on the front for a pack with a lady with boobs on the font.  The pack he traded me had a Plainswalker (read: really good card) in it.  So that was amusing.  I won two of my three games, so that went well for me, and I won another pack.  Pretty good deal for four bucks.  Anyway, then after that Ted and I went to Trader Joes, I did a bit of homework, played Skyrim, and went to bed.

MONDAY LAST: Class, then Midnight rehearsal.  This show got scheduled horribly, so the whole cast (including yours truely) had no time to learn their lines.  I know it may sound like I played a disproportionate amount of Skyrim for having to learn lines for a show that opens today (Friday), but let me explain.  Most shows you try to learn the words exactly right, but as long as you have the basic gist, you can move words, replace a single word, or sometimes even move a whole line and be fine.  However, in Midnight, for essentially the entire show you have an actor talking at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME AS YOU.  That means that you need to get your lines EXACTLY, WORD FOR WORD, right.  Which I'm not good at.  So I did spend a couple hours each day with Ted (<3) helping me go over my lines, but you have no idea how hard it is to say "Let's just move back.  Come on.  Come with me.  Everyone, get back, all of you, as far as you can, Val, come on, with me, come to the back, stop looking at her, come on, Jethro, you too, everyone, come on..." exactly word for word.  Without messing up or moving or repeating or stuttering a SINGLE ONE OF THOSE GODDAMN MONOSYLLABIC WORDS.  But yeah.  So that rehearsal was super duper stressful.

TUESDAY LAST:  Okay so again, class, Skyrim, rehearsal.  My lines were much better tonight, but because there are a lot of people who don't know their lines, I thought all the pauses for lines were my fault so I thought I did really bad and I was freaking out all night.  So late that night a bunch of the cast and I got together and just ran lines.  For two fucking hours.  At one point I started to sing my monologues to help me memorize them, and when I messed up I'd scream some silliness.  "GODDAMN CAN OF SEVENTY-SIX SONS OF CARROTS." was one.  But yeah, one of the guys from the show had to shave his glorious beard for it, so he shaved half his moustache and the half of his beard on the other side just to look silly.  So that was amusing.

YESTERDAY:  Class, Skyrim, lab, rehearsal.  Reahearsal went really well.  I know my lines, and we have the ability to skip over parts we forget.  It'll be fine.  =D

TODAY: Just class.  Then a show tonight.  Wish me luck (or, to break a leg, rather).



You can't see that well, but behind that street lamp is a big yellow tree.  SO GODDAMN PRETTY.

So red.


  1. What does "struck Iphigenia" mean? I'm not being sassy, I actually don't understand. And why do people talk simultaneously? That sounds tedious.

    Pretty leaves.

    What is the significance of your P.S.?

  2. They talk simultaneously because they're the chorus. And that's what the chorus does in certain types of plays (read: bad plays).

  3. Yeah. Crap plays like Oedipus, Medea, and Antigone all have choruses.

    Striking a show/set means tearing it down.

  4. Sorry, been busy. In Iphigenia, we spoke together cause we were a chorus. In Midnight, we spoke together because Sky gets essentially possessed by a demon who makes her repeat, then copy, and eventually initiate dialogue. So that middle part is tricky. The shows all went great, by the way. =D

  5. I stand by my statement!

    Except that I don't.

    But seriously, those stories are good to read,but bad to watch if performed in a sub-par manner. Which they most always are.
