Friday, November 11, 2011

(Crochet) Hookah, please!

Tonight is the night for hot chocolate, the Kevinly blanket, and a good book.  Instead I have nothing to drink, a crochet hook, and “Roman Holiday” (an Audrey Hepburn classic).  But hello!  It was a long, interesting week.

If there had been a time lapse camera following me around this week, there’d be a lot of careful ins and outs and ins and outs of tiny crochet stitches, usually under Devin's careful watch.  This week that was my project.  Perhaps that’s an awfully domestic thing to learn, awfully feminine, but it’s also useful!  I’m almost done with a hat.  Next I want to make a blanket, but that takes a lot of time, and I don’t actually know what I’m doing.

The only interesting thing about this week was my first college party.  Sunday was my Initiation to the fraternity at 6:30 in the morning.  We were chained together and blinded, and forced to walk a mile to the ceremony.  Rather, they made us stand in a line, put our hand on the person in front of us’s shoulder, close our eyes, and walk across campus to the ceremony.  Up and up five floors of a parking garage.  Anyway, the ceremony went well and everyone hugged love love love.

This is my family.  I'm the cute one.
Within my fraternity are smaller families, descended from the founders (like Harry Potter, but much less cool).  I’m in Patterson.  After the ceremony was breakfast, complete with mimosas for all the drunkies in my family.  I had a pancake made with chocolate milk and some other carb-y stuff.  Then a couple hours to sleep (did you notice that the event started at 6:30 in the morning?) and talk to Devin (he’s my boyfriend).

At 5:45 PM I met Adam, one of my family members, at the bus stop to go to Patrick’s.  We got there, and I was feeling a little jittery because I am the only one in my family who doesn’t drink.  And I don’t really affiliate with a lot of drinking people.  I got jittery-er before the night was out, ne’er fear.  There were only nine of us there, and there are three new brothers to Patterson: Moira, Becca, and me.  Moira is fine, Becca is one of those people who is from L.A. and thinks she’s really cultured cool because she smokes weed and has sex, and me.  I don’t drink.  Anyway, so there’s a drinking competition every semester for the new brothers, like me, only I don’t drink.  So they had to try to drink cheap sparkling wine as quickly as they could, and I got Martinelli’s sparkling apple cider.  Virgin, non-alcoholic, how appropriate.
Not on my profile for a reason. It IS Apple Cider. Promise.

I won, of course.  I am rather competitive, so it’s probably best that I don’t drink.  I drank it in three minutes.  This is the jittery part: there was 93 g of sugar in the bottle.  That I drank in three minutes.  There was a lot of concealed burping on my part; think Willy Wonka in that scene where their heads almost get chopped off by giant fans.  Why was that scene included in the movie?  Gruesome and useless.

Nevertheless we played a couple drinking games, me gratefully sipping water (no sugar).  The first game was informally called “Most Likely to…”, for example “Most Likely to Get Laid Tonight”, which then begs the question “How many sexual partners has everyone had?”.  Needless to say I was so out of my element, but everyone was really nice.  And I kicked ass at “Never Have I Ever”, since I’ve never done anything.  I made everyone put a finger down when I said I’ve never done pot.

Everyone got really drunk and turned music on and sang drunkenly to it, and this girl kept trying to kiss me, which she did on the cheek many times.  It was mostly fun.  Especially because it was a one-time thing for me; as aforementioned, I am home this Friday night.  After the Patterson Party was a main party in which all of the families came together to be drunk.  So we had to walk from Patrick’s to another girl’s house, and that included minors in possession of various substances and I didn't really think about the fact that this was jeopardizing my safety until we were already there.  It was 10,000 degrees there so I was only there for about twenty minutes, then walked home with two pretty sober people.  That was my college party adventure.

I think that's it for me this week, because I'm tired.  Good night, lovelies, and thanks for not being college partyhounds.



  1. I didn't know what crochet was. I looked it up. I learned. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn.
