Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm a Wood Elf. What are you?

So there really isn't much to talk about this week.  It was wonderful to see all of you over break, and I can't wait to hang out even more over winter break in three weeks.  I'm going to keep this post short for a couple of reasons.  One, like I said I don't really have much to talk about because I've only been at Berkeley for a few days and the rest of the time was just hanging with family back in Newport.  Two, the one thing I have been doing over the past few days (and during break) is playing Skyrim.  This game is sooooooo much fun.  It's ridiculously addicting and I probably shouldn't have got it right before my finals but whatever, I can slay dragons. And lastly, I have finals coming up as I'm sure you all do and thus I want as much time as possible composing myself mentally and leveling up my chem, math and astro skills (too much Skyrim for sure).

I think this might be the smallest post ever (lolzwait no Rich wins for his nonexistent post) but yeah I really don't have much to talk about.  It turns out my lab partner's best friend is Delara's suite-mate.  Small world it is.  Small world...  Also, my astronomy professor made a funny.  He was talking about the unification of the known four forces and said, "One force to rule them all, one force to find them, one force to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."  It was pretty epic, and I saw the opportunity for the joke coming a mile away and I'm glad he owned up to it and made it.  That's 2/4 professors now that have made LOTR jokes.  Beat that private schools.

Love you all,


P.S. I always come up with a title after I write my post.  I was thinking of what to make my title, when I realized I finally understood the meaning of your title Rich (Fus Ro Dah).  That's a pretty epic title.




  1. Does it make up for my nonexistent post?

  2. It does. And seriously, what race are you haha.

  3. Jason doesn't have the power to free you from blame for your nonexistent post! Also I played my brother's Skyrim and I was Imperial. I'm not saying I'm necessarily that because I didn't look at all of them closely, because I only had fifteen minutes to play.

    In your rush to play Skyrim, you forgot to tag this post or jump it.

  4. I thought it was short enough to not need a jump, and I never tag my posts...
