Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Guest Appearance

This is my friend Joe.
Joe is in the Hiking and Outdoor's club at Cal, which, after hearing, but more importantly seeing, what his weekend was like, I am thinking of joining.  I basically missed out on this.

And this

And this

And this

Now if that didn't convince you to join this club I don't know what will.  But as I was thinking, "Man, I should really join this club, it looks awesome," I also thought, "I already have way too much stuff to do anyway that if I add another obligation my stress will only exponentially grow," while simultaneously pondering, "And besides, it isn't really something I can put on a resume, so it's not what I SHOULD be doing with my time."  Now there are a couple things that I wish weren't the case in this stream of consciousness, however I will choose one of them to elaborate on which I have oh so nicely emboldened (Because, did you know, bolded is not a word?) for you all.

Now my first reflection is that what I have thought is not of the lethani.  My second analysis is that I've clearly wronged myself by thinking that I don't have time for stuff I find enjoyable but rather try and burden myself with stress that society deems acceptable. But my third, and final evaluation is that it    is not my fault for falling for this trap.  It is society's fault for laying it down in the first place. 

I hate how society expects more from a person than is healthily given.  Healthily given you ask?  Able to be done by a person while maintaining a healthy amount of enjoyment in one's life.  This is my definition of what should be expected from a person, and I simply don't see it respected by society at the moment.  It makes me sad, and I hope I can find the balance between my belief in what my life should be and what society thinks my life should be.  Only time will tell.

I think I'll join the club.



  1. 1. Join the club. It looks awesome.
    2. Please mention the lethani in more of your posts.
    3. Happy belated Leif Erikson Day. Hinga dinga durgen.

  2. Jason, definitely join the club.

    Society pressures us to do all sorts of things, but I think a lot of the pressure you feel to put yourself under stress by working all the time and taking the hardest classes comes from within yourself. Your parents and your friends and even society are going to love you even if you enjoy yourself on the weekend. I'm the same way, but not as intensely, I guess, because my classes haven't been as labor intensive as yours. Enjoy yourself. You have the rest of your life to work 40 hours a week. You're paying for college to learn a lot about science, but also to have fun and learn about yourself. Definitely go for this!

    If Nicole and I listened to society, we'd be 90 lb stick figures who wore 5 inch heels and coated our faces like clowns only to have it run off when we drink ourselves into oblivion. So when you're feeling the pressure to listen to society, call one of us. 'Nuff said.

  3. I was like "Of the leth--OH MY GOD JASON I LOVE YOU." But seriously dude outdoors activities lead to such an increase in focus and ability to get shit done when I'm back indoors that I think the cost-benefit totally works out. Good choice.

  4. I appreciate the kind words and thoughtful advice of all of you. This blog is only a confirmation of how thankful I am for the great friends I made in high school.

  5. Join the club. Everything they said, and more reasons. But I think you already decided, so I'll just be going now...
