Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy Days Ahead

So I kind of forgot it is/was Monday (depending on your time zone) because my classes were canceled thanks to Hurricane Sandy.  That's okay though!  I'll come up with something great.

The singular best moment of my week happened last night (Sunday, as it were), after I already found out classes had been canceled, made myself hot chocolate, and committed to watch School of Rock.  So things leading up to this moment are already pretty good.  But there's more.

Back story (not one word, really, Red Squiggly Underline?): On Saturday, my friends and I went to a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and stopped by a vending machine in my friend's dorm to get a snack.  To my surprise, there were Butterfingers!  I happen to love those chocolatey, peanut buttery goodnesses so got one, commenting, "I am glad they don't have these in our dorms!  I would eat them all the time!"

Rocky Horror was very fun and I was out later than I have ever been out in D.C., and that is not saying much, but it's still saying something.  I can tell because I pushed my fingers onto buttons and characters appeared.

Anyway, back to last night.  Eleanor and I went to the vending machine to get healthy candy to go with our healthy hot chocolate.  I didn't really think much about the Butterfinger incident, since there had never been any, and went to go make my hot chocolate.  Eleanor purchased her York Peppermint Patties and called to me, "I am so sorry."

Sensing disaster as I am wont to do, I ran over to her.  Her Yorks fell to reveal a row of pristine and chocolatey Butterfingers!!!  At this point I start freaking out and run into the lounge, informing my sympathetic R.A. about the situation, and she comes out of the lounge (equally excited).

THEN THE BEST PART HAPPENS.  Other people start to accumulate and my R.A. noticed that there were two Butterfingers in one coil.  Excitement mounts and I pay the $1.15.  Hours seem to pass before the coil begins to move and we all scream as two fall to the depths of the vending machine mouth.  We literally screamed and it was a happy moment.  My R.A. got the second Butterfinger for her role in all of the passings and I felt like the happiest person ever.

Now, classes have been canceled for tomorrow as well (the hurricane's in no hurri).  So more movies and Butterfingers and happiness awaits for me, I hope.

Hope everyone else is well.  Also, as I alluded to last week, I started an advice column.  Some of our mutual friends have already contributed.  If you want to be part of the movement, I will send you a link.  I don't want it attached to my full name right now so I won't post the link here but would love real/made-up questions and feedback and support.  Hopefully not made up support.  Eventually I will become an advice tycoon and will throw money at you whenever we see one another.

Until then,



  1. We just got a vending machine stocked in our house now and I think I'm going to get fat from all of the $1 Reeses that now exist in much too close proximity to me. Luckily they don't have butterfingers so you won't have that issue when you come visit me. Not hopefully visit me because it's already happened in the future. Too late, can't change it now.

    I would love to contribute (if I can?) or even just see your advice column. Quite the cool project :D

  2. We had classes cancelled because of the hurricane as well. I was in a house meeting at ADPhi when we found out, and the room exploded with cheers. Today, our chef couldn't make it so a group of us made dinner for the whole house. It took an hour to get everything ready, but it was awesome and there was lots of leftover food. If only we had class cancelled tomorrow too...

  3. I'd also like to see the advice column.
    I hope the hurricane didn't rough you up too much. It seems to have hit the Jersey/NYC area hardest, so I'm assuming you didn't get it too bad.

  4. Jason: Thanks for your interest and I sent it to you

    Raku: Yeah there were some cheer explosions in the dining hall here. And... chef?? You have a chef?

    Derek: It wasn't too bad. Yesterday afternoon was pretty hurricane-y, nothing to be scared of though. Overall the biggest effects of Sandy have been class cancellations, and I can't say I'm complaining too much.

  5. Our chapter of ADPhi is pretty big (40 brothers in-house plus 25 pledges). I think we've had a chef for the last 10 years or so.
