Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dirty Chai

First off, I would like to apologize for not posting on time. You see, I was in bed last night at 2 am thinking about life and how yesterday was Wednesday, so that meant today was Thursday when I realized OH GOD I MISSED WEDNESDAY. But I didn't get out of bed to write my post because I was tired. Because it was 2 am. Did I mention that I'm an insomniac now? Yeah, bad things are happening to my sleep patterns. Let's start off by learning about what I did on Thanksgiving, shall we?
I ate. Seriously, Thanksgiving with my family is such a low-key thing, it's amazing. My nuclear family and I just cooked some tofurky, made some mashed potatoes and stuffing and then bought the rest from Trader Joes and Bristol Farms. We're very lazy holiday-goers. Anyways, once all the food was "prepared", we sat down and said what we were thankful for (Monique and I tried to upstage each other's speeches. Mine rhymed. So I won. Monique disagrees, but what does she know? She's a non-rhymer.). Then Chaz came over and we had pie while hanging out in the family room. It was very relaxed. I then went upstairs to try and sleep, but was called back down to watch a Thanksgiving Special which featured Lady Gaga. I almost cried at how horrible it was. So I left every once in a while to go drown my sorrows in leftover Thanksgiving food. But I was obligated to be with the family, so I always came back. 

On Friday I consumed massive quantities of Thanksgiving leftovers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unlike Derek's family, the Dansers ration their Thanksgiving meal so that they can enjoy it for at least 3 days. On Friday, I also worked on my research paper and most probably watched too many youtube videos and television shows. 

On Saturday I woke up, got driven to the airport, and flew back to Bates with no issues whatsoever. What's that? I'm lying? OH RIGHT, OUR PLANE HAD TO STOP OFF IN NEW MEXICO FOR FUEL. And then Chicago was being rude and told our airplane "We don't really want you to fly to our airport just yet, so stay put in New Mexico for another half hour, okay?". Which would have been fine if not for the issue that the flight to New Mexico and the refueling took like an hour and a half. So the entire time I'm on the plane, I'm freaking out because all of these issues means I'm not going to make it on my connecting flight back to Bates. Well, we finally made it to Chicago, where my connecting flight was delayed 30 minutes, which mean't that I made the flight! I know, you're so excited for me. Anyways, then I took a taxi back to Bates (which was covered in a layer of clean, soft snow) and went to sleep. 

Sunday, I slept and did some work, and then had dinner with friends, which led to hanging out with friends. Ah, Sundays.

Monday I had classes, and then debate, and then dinner with the debaters. And then Taylor, Matt, and some other kids went to this lecture on the lives of Muslims in America in a post 9/11 world. It was quite interesting. Then, if I remember correctly, we went to "The Ronj" where Taylor got a "Dirty Chai" which has been said to be the equivalent of being "effed on a table", which I do not completely understand. I think that mean's it's good? Or maybe unsanitary. I got a pumpkin spice latte with a shot of espresso. The latte was good, the fact that I became caffeinated was not. Matt, Taylor and I then watched Mad Men (still at the Ronj), and then once that was done, Taylor and I took a test to see which mental disorder we were most risk at having. I was at moderate risk of being a Schizoid. Taylor was at a high risk of being a narcissist, to which she responded, "That cannot be true. I'm too perfect to have any disorders". See what she did there? Eh? She's fantastic, by the way. Quite the bundle of humor. Then I went back to my dorm at around twelve thirty, got ready for bed, and then proceeded to LAY AWAKE FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT. I blame it on the mix of caffeine and the 3 hour time time zone difference that was still screwing me up. 

On Tuesday, I did that whole "class" thing, and then did that whole "eating" thing, which was then followed up with this "bananagrams" game which then turned into going to "The Ronj" to do this "work" thing. Does my misuse of quotations bother you? I think it does. Oh, by the way, I couldn't get to sleep on Tuesday either. Also, my roommate snores. I had not realized it before, because I always went to sleep before her. Maybe she just has a cold. Hopefully.

On Wednesday, I created a whole schedule of how I was going to do a lot of work and be awesome and productive. And then I spent twelve hours being unproductive. But it was fun, so it was worth it? Yes. Then I went home at 2 am and promptly fell asleep, after realizing I forgot to write this post. 

Well, I'm done with my post. I'm still going to label it "Wednesday" because I'm a compulsive liar. No I'm not. But really, I am (not).

Talk at you later,


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